1. Registration. Students will be registered on first come first-served basis. An annual registration fee is payable each academic year.
2. Tuition. Tuition is due in-full on or before the first day of classes each quarter. Tuition may be paid by cash, check (payable to Valiente Dual Academy), Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. There will be a $35 fee for checks returned as uncollectible.
3. Absences /Make-Ups. Due to holidays there may be fewer classes in a quarter on certain days of the week than others. If this is the case, students can schedule compensatory make ups for these days. Valiente Dual Academy will notify students with proposed options for make-up days. Unused make-ups will not be carried forward or credited to the next quarter and will not be credited or refunded.
4. Class Cancellation. In the event of unforeseen circumstances/weather, we will make every effort to contact you if classes are cancelled. There will be no refunds or pro-rated discounts or credits for cancellations due to but not limited to natural disasters or inclement weather. In the event that a teacher or educator cancels class due to illness or other unforseen reason, Valiente Dual Academy will notify parents and guardians of proposed make-up days. Unused make-up days will not be carried forward, credited or refunded.
5. Release. By completing registration and attending class you accept all enrollment policies and the following: I agree to assume responsibility for my child or children and myself and/or caregiver when upon the premises operated by Valiente Dual Academy, and will hold harmless Valiente Dual Academy and any of its employees and/or agents in the event of any personal injury, property damage or loss, indemnifying said parties of any loss that I might incur as a result.
6. Medical Emergencies. Although under direct visual supervision at all times, a child might fall, trip, bump, etc. If the child is injured in a non life-threatening way, we will assess the child and provide basic first aid. If the injury is more serious, the parent will be notified so the child can be picked up and, if necessary, transported to the hospital or doctor’s office.
All costs associated with injuries to the child will be the responsibility of the parent.
In case of a medical emergency, we will attempt to contact you immediately. If we are unable to reach you, we will start calling the people you designated as your emergency contacts. If we are unable to reach you or your emergency contacts, we will call 911. If immediate intervention is required, we will take appropriate action including calling 911 and having your child transported to the nearest hospital, the paramedics make the determination. You or your family insurance is/are responsible for the cost of medical help or treatment due to accidents or illness while in your child is in our care.
7. Illness. Under no circumstances is a sick child to attend class or camp. Children will be visually screened as they arrive. Children will be isolated in the event that they are ill. If the child exhibits any of the following symptoms, they will need to be picked up or remain at home:
Fever of 100 degrees or higher
Communicable disease
Hacking or continuous coughing
Yellow or green runny nose
Draining rash
Eye discharge or ‘pinkeye’
Lice or nits
Asthma flare up
Too tired or ill to participate in normal activities
We reserve the right to determine whether a child should remain in class where illness is a consideration.
Your child will be allowed to return when he/she is free from medication and symptoms/fever or has been on an antibiotic for 24 hours.
Medications. We are not certified to administer any medication. We cannot give children any prescription or non-prescription medication.
Changes to policies. We reserve the right to change and update polices without notice.
By signing this form, I understand and agree to these polices and will do my best to uphold them for the saftey and wellbeing of both my student(s) and the teachers, volunteers and other students attending Valiente Dual Academy.