2023-2024 CDF End of Year Expenditure Report
School System Code
School System Name
First Name
Last Name
Prior Years CDF Carry-over
2023-2024 Final CDF Allocation
Total CDF funds available for 2023-2024
2023-2024 Guidelines for Use of CDF Allocation
2023-2024 Career Development Fund Final Allocation
Narrative: Describe how CDF funds were invested to expand student opportunities to pursue high-demand Jump Start opportunities. If content related to IBCs were funded, specify the IBCs in this area.
Budget Reporting Grid: indicate the actual amount of CDF funds spent in each object code in the Actual Expenditure Amount column. In the Description of Expenditure column, provide a brief description of the actual expenditure for the each object code. If not funds were spent in an object code, enter N/A in both the amount and Description of expenditure cells.
Actual Expenditure Amount
Description of Expenditure
100 (Personal Services—Salaries)
200 (Personal Services—Employee Benefits)
300 (Purchased Professional and Technical Services)
400 (Purchased Property Services)
500 (Other Purchased Services)
600 (Supplies)
700 (Property)
800 (Other Objects)
How many opportunities to earn IBC's were funded with CDF funds?
How many opportunities to earn DE credits were funded with CDF funds?
How many Work-based Learning opportunities were funded with CDF funds?
Total CDF spent in fiscal year 2023-2024
Total amount reported in the Actual Expenditure Amount column of the Budget Reporting Grid
Total CDF carry over amount
Formula: (Prior Years Carry-over + Total CDF funds available for 2023-2024) - Total CDF spent in fiscal year 2023-2024
Carry over amount is greater than $100,000. Provide explanation of planned use of funds.
Should be Empty: