Green Power - Urban Greening Programme
學校/屋苑/機構/公司名稱 School/ Estate/ Institution/ Company Name
聯絡人姓名 Name of Contact Person
名 First Name
姓 Last Name
聯絡人職位 Position of Contact Person
聯絡電話 Contact Number
電郵地址 Email Address
有與趣參與的綠化項目 Greening Initiative of Interest
平面綠化 Horizontal Greening
垂直綠化 Vertical Greening
兩者皆可 Both
如參與垂直綠化,*必須* 備有相關外牆的結構圖則 If you wish to implement vertical greening, you *must be* able to provide the structural plans for the relevant exteriorwall.
有 Yes
沒有 No
不適用 Not applicable
如參與平面綠化,*必須* 有升降機到達 If you wish to implement horizontal greening, there *must be* an elevator for access.
有 Yes
沒有 No
不適用 Not applicable
請提供擬進行綠化位置,以及物業的相片(最少5張) Please provide photos of the proposed greening location and your property. (at least 5 photos)
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