Power Boat Season Registration Form 2024
2024/25 Season
Participating in (choose as many that apply)
First Name
Last Name
Membership Number:
Vessel Name:
QLD Transport Registration No:
Length & Make/Model:
Cruise Speed:
Hull Type:
Semi Displaced
Name of Insurance Company:
NAV Rally Entrants Only:
Club Competition no: (if registered)
Nominated Speed:
Maximum Speed (Normal Conditions):
Vessel Owner:
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
I/we acknowledge that neither Southport Yacht Club nor any Committee or Board shall be liable to me/us or any person on my/our vessel for personal injury of any kind or damage to property howsoever occurring prior to, during, or after the finish of the Log/Nav or Cruise Event in respect of which this entry form is lodged.I/we acknowledge that adequate insurance for the Vessel, its contents and fittings at full insurable value with a reputable and substantial insurer is current and can produce to the Club or its agent, the insurance policy and a certificate of currency when reasonably requested by the Club or its agent to do so. For Log/Nav Events, I/we agree to be bound by the Club’s Rules for competition in Predicted Log/Nav Events. In particular, if entering in non electronic events the signatures below concur that electronic equipment (as per the Rules) will NOT be used during the entered event(s). However, for Social Events, some Rules regarding the use of electronic equipment may be relaxed as advised.Also I/we agree to take responsibility for any contravention of the Club’s Rules for Predicted Log/Nav Events by the crew.NOTE: For Open Events a vessel may compete for one Club only. This is to be designated by nomination and the burgee flown on the day. LOG NOTES: - SYC Championship & Interclub: Vessels are to be registered with their Club and display a competition number & Club burgee. For SYC, at least one SYC Gold (or equiv) member is required on board. Div 1 is for displacement hulls & Div 2 is for semi-displacement & planing hulls. The use of electronic equipment is disallowed as per the Rules. As well as the line honours competition (raw score), a SYC handicap competition is conducted.
SYC Consent to Share Personal Information
Please acknowledge here your consent for personal information (name, boat name mobile number and email) being shared with other registered cruisers.
Type a question
Yes I consent
No I do not consent
Should be Empty: