Skills - Assist and support the multi-disciplinary team in the safe and effective operation and maintenance of the imaging environment.
Support the multi-disciplinary team in the safe flow of individuals through the imaging environment, recognising and complying with current legislation and best practice. Prepare individuals for imaging procedures, including those that maybe pre-medicated, sedated or unconscious.
Support and position individuals during imaging procedures, including those that maybe pre-medicated, sedated or unconscious. Support practitioners with the preparation and administration of medicines and contrast agents within the scope of own role. Administer medicines supplied by a registered practitioner within the scope of own role.
Insert, flush and remove cannulas in line with local protocols and within the scope of own role. Provide after care for individuals following imaging procedures. Assist practitioners in setting up and maintaining aseptic or clean area in the imaging environment. Support the multi-disciplinary team in the safe delivery of an imaging service. Review and promote the health and wellbeing of self and others, including mental health.
Participate in team briefing, patient sign in, timeout, sign out and debriefing. Assist with undertaking clinical risk assessments and management plans. Recognise the impact of mental or physical capacity, health condition, learning disability or overall wellbeing on the therapeutic or clinical task or intervention and when to adapt.:
Knowledge - The procedures and protocols for undertaking quality checks on equipment, the procedures and protocols for working safely in the imaging environment. An awareness of ionising and non-ionising radiation and how these are safely applied to imaging examinations across a patient pathway.
The correct clothing, hygiene, fluid, nutrition protocols, safety equipment requirements relevant to the imaging procedure and the condition of the individual, including the correct use of pre- and post- procedural checklists. Techniques and equipment used to position individuals in line with the safety requirements of the procedure, the physical and mental condition of the individual and how this may impact on the imaging procedure.
The regulations procedures and protocols for the safe preparation and administration of medicines and contrast agents. Roles and responsibilities in the safe supply, management and administration of medicines, the range of procedures where these are used and the risks and mitigations of side effects, adverse response or non-compliance.
The risks and contra-indications of cannulation and the equipment and techniques used to cannulate/remove cannulas. The risks and mitigations of side effects, adverse responses or non-compliance associate with imaging procedure, the correct use of post-procedural checklists and the protocols and procedures for onward care relevant to the imaging procedure undertaken.
The principles of asepsis and maintenance of the sterile field or clean area in relation to imaging equipment and materials. The structure and function of the human body in health, disease and trauma, as well as common pathologies and mechanisms of disease and trauma, in relation to imaging examinations. The importance of recognising the signs and symptoms that indicate a deterioration in the health and wellbeing of self and others, including mental health.
Local systems and protocols for team briefing, patient sign in, timeout, sign out and debriefing. Local systems for undertaking clinical risk assessments and management plans relevant to own work setting. The potential impact of mental and physical capacity, health condition, learning disability or overall wellbeing on therapeutic or clinical interventions: