Regulations for Use of School Facilities (Effective July 1, 2012)
1. No organization may use the buildings or grounds at any time or in any manner that will interfere with the regularprogram of the school.
2. The WCPSB does not discriminate against any group/organization/business/individual.
3. The Priorities in Authorization are from highest to lowest: (a) school groups; (b) school related groups; (c) countygovernment agencies; (d) civic groups; (e) church groups; (f) political groups; (g) other non-profit groups.
4. The School Board or its representatives must have free access to all facilities at all times.
5. The right to revoke a permit at any time is reserved by the school authorities.
6. Any organization desiring to move special properties into the school or grounds prior to or on the date of rehearsal orperformance must obtain permission from the principal. All flats, curtains, and costumes must be treated for fire-
7. Putting up decorations or scenery or moving pianos is prohibited unless special permission is granted.
8. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance.
9. A minimum of $1,000,000 liability certificate is required.
10. Permission for bringing equipment such as concession stands, trucks, or carnival equipment on school property mustbe requested in writing thirty (30) days in advance before a formal agreement can be considered.
11. The parking of automobiles shall be restricted to designated areas.
12. The organization that uses the building and grounds shall be responsible for the conduct of its members.
13. Compensation for any damage done to school property shall be provided by the sponsoring organization.
14. Consumption of soft drinks shall be limited to such section or sections of the building as designated by the schoolauthorities.
15. Warren County School Board policy prohibits the use of tobacco products by staff, patrons, or other persons in schoolbuildings, and on school grounds at all times.
16. There shall be no alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs brought to or consumed in the building or on the grounds.
17. A custodian or other school employee shall be on duty for all activities in the building. The presence of a custodian on duty does not relieve the organization of responsibility for any damage to the property.
18. Except by special permission, a group shall not be permitted to remain after twelve midnight.
19. Building keys will not be provided to any group except in a declared emergency.
20. A school kitchen may not be used by an outside organization unless a cafeteria worker is employed during use. Aseparate check will be made out to WARREN COUNTY CAFETERIA FUND and sent with the Use of Facilities application and other checks (see #22 below).
21. Custodial Service: these include: opening and closing buildings, doors, windows; turning on and off lights and adjusting heating systems; and rendering reasonable supervision and assistance to using agency on behalf of school board. These do not include: transport of equipment or supplies; arrangement of any special furniture or equipment; total supervision of activities, crowd, etc.; and requiring additional hours beyond rental agreement.
22. Rental fee, by check, plus a separate check for a security or damage deposit must accompany application form.
Checks should be made payable to Warren County School Board; if custodial services are to be provided, fees must be included in rental fee check.
23. The school board office requests that in case of cancellation, the applicant contact the school NO LATER THEN
4:00 P.M. TWO (2) WORK DAYS AHEAD OF THE SCHEDULED EVENT to make that date and time frame available to the general public, this includes annual/organizational meetings.
24. The security or damage deposit will be refunded within 10 working days, pending clean-up and or damages. If damages occur that exceed the deposit, the group/organization/business or individual will be responsible to reimburse
the Warren County School Board for the actual cost of repairs.
25. The Warren County School Board, through the Superintendent or her designee, reserves the right to waive/adjust fees for any organization.
26. Any organization using Warren County School Board facilities shall not engage in any illegal activities.
27. Violation of any of these Rules and Regulations may result in indefinite revocation of rental and use privileges.