Maui Music Mission
Summer Music Camp 2024
Terms of Enrollment
Maui Music Mission considers the safety and well being of your keiki our highest priority! Members and parents/guardians both agree to abide by the rules set by the Mission.
COMMUNICATION: Stay up to date!
Call or Text us at 808-205-3757
Facebook: Join “Mau Music Mission” public group
Join: “Mission Moms and Dads” closed group
FB Messenger: Reuben Pali or Ronda Colleen Pali
PRACTICE: Start with 20 min. Every Day! Increase to 1 hour.
Beginners may start with 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.
Everyone must participate and practice in order to improve
• Students may be released who do not practice and also lack progress due to non-participation.
SUPPORT: Acknowledge every musical thing your keiki do!
Singing - Practice the songs they’re learning at music class; And also, acknowledge them humming, sing-song melodies (as they speak), ...even songs on the radio! Catch your keiki singing and reward them with positive attention!
Tapping - Tap rhythmic patterns with hands, fingertips, pencils, straws, ...anything!
Counting - Those are Beats! 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4. Space them evenly!
Reciting - What can your keiki tell you about their music?
Ask them to describe their uke (what are the parts? How do you hold it correctly? What is a strum?) What are the chords played in the song?
>>>PLEASE SIGN THE PRACTICE REPORT! It may seem like a small thing, ...but this is super important in order to keep your keiki motivated!
PICK-UP TIME : Always arrive BEFORE dismissal to pick up your keiki.
Late Pick-Up Fee: $20 each 15 minutes.
If you must pick-up early, please let us know ahead of time. Mahalo.
CONDUCT: Members are taught to respect each other and to have self control.
• We encourage honesty, responsibility, excellence, perseverance.
***Maui Music Mission reserves the right to dismiss a student from the program whose conduct is detrimental to others.. Parents will be notified and we will always seek alternative solutions first. However, there are no refunds available.. Continued participation is decided at the discretion of the class instructor.
LOST/FOUND/DAMAGED: Maui Music Mission is not responsible for personal belongings
• Do not bring valuables, jewelry, video games, iPods, cell phones or similar items.
• Instruments or other performing props may be brought at the owner’s risk
CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY.: If a child becomes too ill to participate, and absence is validated by physician, then a credit will be issued for the next session. Sorry, NO REFUNDS.
LATE REGISTRATION: Sorry, No Discount for Late Registration!
LATE PICK-UP FEE: $20 each 15 minutes. Please pick up your keiki on time!
PAYMENTS & DISCOUNTS: Payment is due in full BEFORE the day of the first lesson. Mahalo!