Boarding Admission Form
For Existing Customers Only
I do not need to update any information that I have already given on my previous stays. (Including information of cats such as vaccination status,FIV/felv status,feeding instructions,etc)
Yes, nothing has changed
No, I need to update something
What do you need to update?
My Personal Information
My Cat(s) Information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip Code
Important Information
Please select your Check-in Date & Time. If you require extended timings, please select (Extended Check-in/Check-out) under (Additional Services).
Please select your Check-Out Date & Time. If you require extended timings, please select (Extended Check-in/Check-out) under (Additional Services).
To prevent parasite infestations, we require that all guests receive a dose of Revolution for cats/ kittens. *This should be done at the time of check-in, at our boarding facility. If doing at home, video proof of application is needed.
Bring your own
Purchase from us ($15/Pipette)
Has your cat(s) been sterilised?
No, but will be sterilised 2 weeks before boarding date
Number of Cat(s) Boarding
Particulars of Your Cat(s)
Additional Information
Additional Information
For all cats
Has your cat(s) been tested for FIV/feLV?
Yes, my cat(s) is FIV/feLV NEGATIVE
Yes, my cat(s) is FIV POSITIVE
Yes, my cat(s) is feLV POSITIVE
No, I DO intend to test my cat(s)
No, I DO NOT intend to test my cat(s) (Will be treated as FIV/FeLV POSITIVE)
FULLY vaccinated at least 2 weeks prior to boarding (received full initial course or annual booster 14 days before). Kittens 8 weeks and older require at least 1 shot of vaccination. *Alternatively vet memo or VacciCheck will be required.
Will be before boarding
Vet memo/ VacciCheck
Is your cat(s) indoor?
100% Indoor
Indoor but goes out of home frequently
Outdoor/ Free roam
Has your cat(s) engaged in direct physical contact with cat(s) from other households (with unknown and/or positive FIV/FeLV status) since the latest FIV/FeLV test?
Has your cat(s) shared food/water bowls with cat(s) from other households (with unknown and/or positive FIV/FeLV status) since the latest FIV/FeLV test?
Applicable only for FIV/FeLV NEGATIVE cats. Would you like your cat(s) to have access to our common exercise and play area? (Your cat will not be allowed to have direct physical interactions with cats from other households. Only cats from the same household will have direct physical interactions.)
Which type of litter would you prefer to be used for your cat?
NurturePRO Tofu Litter (Complimentary)
Bring your own
Will you be bringing your own food for your cat(s)? *Please note that food is not included in our room rates but can be opted for under (Additional Services).
No (Additional charge applies)
If you are bringing your own food, please specify the type of food.
Dry Food
Canned/Wet Food
Frozen home cooked/Raw food
Feeding Instructions. Select all that apply. (Dry/Kibbles)
Morning (10:30AM-11:30AM)
Afternoon (2PM-3PM)
Evening (5:30PM-6:30PM)
Others (Only with valid reasons. Eg. Medical)
Feeding Instructions. Select all that apply. (Wet/Canned)
Morning (10:30AM-11:30AM)
Afternoon (2PM-3PM)
Evening (5:30PM-6:30PM)
Others (Only with valid reasons. Eg. Medical)
Feeding Instructions. Select all that apply. (Frozen home cooked/Raw)
Morning (10:30AM-11:30AM)
Afternoon (2PM-3PM)
Evening (5:30PM-6:30PM)
Others (Only with valid reasons. Eg. Medical)
For all cats
Your preferred vet clinic and vet (if none specified, we opt for The Gentle Vet, Barkway Pet Health, Vets for Life or Dr. Paws mobile service)
Your preferred 24hr hospital (if none specified, we opt for VES or Companion)
Please disclose cats with pre-existing medical issues. e.g., FIV/FELV Status, food, medication, contact allergies. (If applicable)
Please disclose cats with known aggression and/or fractious behavior. (If applicable)
*This includes cats that may hiss and/or strike out at people that they are unfamiliar with.
Special Request(s). Eg. Additional feeding instructions, food sensitivities, grooming. (If applicable)
*Please contact us if you are unable to provide any of the below mentioned documents.
Vaccination Records - Sterilisation Certificate - FIV/FeLV Negative Test Result
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Additional Services
Additional Services
Please select any additional services you may require. You can choose more than one option. We will contact you to discuss further. All additional services will only be charged at the end of your cat’s stay if they are used.
Oral Medication/ Supplements - $5/instance (Capped at $10)
Topical Application - $5/instance (Capped at $10)
Subcutaneous Injection - $5/instance (Capped at $20)
Wound Cleaning - $10/instance (Capped at $30)
Ear Cleaning - $10/instance
Nail Clipping - $10/instance
Shave/Shower - $10-$30/instance (Only for when your pawcious gets dirty while boarding at our place)
Fur Brushing - Complimentary (Once per day. Comb to be provided or our own comb will be used.)
In-House Products
Dry Food -$3/day/cat
Wet Food - $3/can
Spot-on Parasite Treatment (Revolution) - $15/Pipette
CCTV Access - $15 one time setup charge (For Panthera/Felidae Suite only)
Extra Play Time - $10 (30min per cat(s) from the same household)
Extended Check-in/Check-out. (Early Check-In 11AM-1PM, Late Check-Out 2PM-6PM) - $20/instance
One-way Transport (May be subjected to our convenience) - $35
Two-way Transport (May be subjected to our convenience) - $70
Please select as required.
Early check in (11am-1pm)
Late check out (2pm-6pm)
Let us know your preferred timing(s). (Nearest half an hour)
I allow Little Pawcious to use photographs and/or videos of my cat(s) on their social media platforms.
How did you know about us?
Friends or Family
Should be Empty: