Application for Prospective Crew
Hi! We are so glad you are interested in working for Philly Hots! We run a very small crew, a tight crew and we spend a good amount of time together. We work hard, play hard and enjoy banging out great food for our guests. Everyday is an adventure. If you looking for an exciting way to hone your skills, learn new skills and work your ass off fill out the following application so we can get to know you a little better.
The Basics
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Does your phone have a data plan so you can send and receive texts when not on wifi?
Do you have a valid drivers license?
Do you feel comfortable driving the food truck? (this answer won't make or break your opportunity)
willing to give it a shot!
How flexible is your schedule? We run all hours of the day in season ( April- December) Typically we run weekdays from 9pm-4pm on campus at WCU during the off season (January-March)
About You
Please take a few moments to answer these questions so we can get to know you a little bit
Do you have a family (spouse, partner, kids, siblings, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc)? If yes, Do you enjoy them?
Describe, in a few words, what makes you smile the most about creating and serving great food
Describe, in a few words, what makes you anxious about creating and serving great food
What was a great sandwich you had recently?
Would you describe yourself as someone who enjoys engaging with people?
In the right settings
What was the last job you had? Company, title and tasks performed
What was the job before that? Company, title and tasks performed
Which job did you enjoy more and why?
What are some things you didn't like about either job?
Which was the most challenging and why?
When was the last time failed miserably at something. I mean took a big L. It could be at work, with a partner, in life. What did you do about it?
Briefly describe your ideal work conditions. (i.e. hours, commute, time off, what kind of coworkers, your management, the customer.)
Briefly describe a great day off for you
Name three people that would speak highly of you: Name and relationship
person 1
person 2
person 3
Is there anything else you want us to know about you?
Should be Empty: