Your application for TACP membership will be reviewed by the TACP Membership and Leadership Development Committee and presented to the TACP Board of Directors for approval. Upon your approval you will receive an invoice for the following dues as well as access to the members only website and directory:
Active, Associate-Law, Associate or Sustaining: $250 for new application - Annual renewal beginning in 2025 is $260 billed each May and due July 1 each year.
Corporate/Business: $650 for new application - Annual renewal beginning in 2025 is $750 billed each May and due by July 1 each year.
The Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police was formed over 40 years ago to support and maintain the highest standards of professional law enforcement and public safety. TACP is a leader in setting law enforcement standards on ethics, integrity, and leadership; while providing services to its membership to promote and practice professionalism in our departments, communities and throughout this great state.
By submitting this application, you pledge your support to the association and promote the ideals of professional law enforcement.
If you would like to submit any attachments or supporting documentation along with this application, please email them to