Whether you have one turaco or hundreds, please participate. The more data we can collect the better so feel free to share this survey to any turaco keeper you know.
You need to have a valid email to fill out the census, but your name and email will be disclosed in the census results ONLY if you agree, otherwise that will be kept private. Note: even if you agree to disclose your identity, when I report the results, your individual responses will not be linked to your name or email. so your privacy is maintained. Your name/email is only listed as a participant.
All participants will be sent an email with the report on results sometime after I close the census at the end of January 2025. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The last worldwide turaco census was done five years ago in Feb. 2020. If you are interested in those results, visit https://dlaviaries.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/turaco-survey-2020.pdf.
Thank you for your participation!
Kateri Davis, Davis Lund Aviaries, Oregon, USA
Author of "Turacos in Aviculture", Birdhouse Publications 2012
Aviary Website: https://dlaviaries.wordpress.com
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/davislundaviaries
Email: DLAviaries@aol.com