We understand that you have a detailed question about a product or that you are looking for a spare part.
On our website, you can find more information by going to the relevant product page. By using the search bar at the top of the website or navigating through the menu, you will find the desired product.
Spare parts
Scroll down on the product page and click on the 'Spare parts' tab; there you will find all compatible and available parts for that product. If the desired part is not listed or is out of stock, unfortunately, we cannot supply it, nor can we indicate when it will be back in stock. Therefore, it is pointless to fill out our service form.
You may find the answer to your question in the product description on the productpage. You could also read the manual, which can be found on the product page (under the 'Manuals & Downloads' tab).
Didn't find the answer to your question? By clicking on 'Product Support' in the menu at the top of the website, you will be directed to the frequently asked questions and our solution center. Here you can search the available product information and find numerous articles that may help you further.