2025 BPA Upper Columbia Programmatic Project Application
Due Date: November 29,2024
Project Title
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Project Abstract/Summary
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Budget Request
Values MAY be duplicative and do not have to equal TOTAL anticipated budget.
BPA Programmatic Funding Request
SRFB - Actual or Anticipated
SRFB Riparian Funding - Actual or Anticipated
SRFB Targeted Investment - Actual or Anticipated
Tributary Committee - Actual or Anticipated
Other Funding
Anticipated TOTAL Budget
Other Funding Source(s)
List Names
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Project Location
Briefly describe the location of the project
(Example: “The project will occur in the Wenatchee River starting at RM 0.5 and ending at RM 1” )
Latitude (decimal degrees)
Longitude (decimal degrees)
Project subbasin
Multiple Subbasins
Columbia River - small tributaries
Wenatchee Assessment Unit(s)
Big Meadow Creek
Chikamin Creek
Chiwaukum Creek
Chiwawa River Headwaters
Chumstick Creek
Devils Gulch
Eagle Creek (Wenatchee)
East Fork Mission Creek
Eightmile Creek
French Creek (Wenatchee)
Indian Creek
Ingalls Creek
Jack Creek
Lake Creek (Wenatchee)
Lake Wenatchee
Lower Chiwawa River
Lower Icicle Creek
Lower Little Wenatchee River
Lower Nason Creek
Lower Peshastin Creek
Lower White River
Middle Chiwawa River
Middle Icicle Creek
Middle Little Wenatchee River
Mission Creek-Brender Creek
Napeequa River
Panther Creek
Phelps Creek
Rainy Creek
Rock Creek
Sand Creek
Upper Chiwawa River
Upper Icicle Creek
Upper Little Wenatchee River
Upper Nason Creek
Upper Peshastin Creek
Upper White River
Wenatchee River-Beaver Creek
Wenatchee River-Derby Canyon
Wenatchee River-Nahahum Canyon
Wenatchee River-Ollala Canyon
Wenatchee River-Tumwater Canyon
Whitepine Creek
Choose only AUs that the project directly targets. AUs can be found online at https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/
Entiat Assessment Unit(s)
Entiat River Headwaters
Entiat River-Lake Creek
Entiat River-Mills Creek
Entiat River-Potato Creek
Entiat River-Preston Creek
Entiat River-Three Creek
Lower Mad River
Mud Creek
North Fork Entiat River
Roaring Creek
Tillicum Creek
Upper Mad River
Choose only AUs that the project directly targets. AUs can be found online at https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/
Methow Assessment Unit(s)
Andrews Creek
Bear Creek
Benson Creek
Black Canyon Creek
Boulder Creek
Buttermilk Creek
Cedar Creek
Chewuch River Headwaters
Chewuch River-Doe Creek
Chewuch River-Kay Creek
Chewuch River-Pearrygin Creek
Chewuch River-Thirtymile Creek
Cub Creek
Diamond Creek
Eagle Creek (Methow)
Early Winters Creek
Eight Mile Creek
Eureka Creek Methow
Falls Creek Methow
French Creek (Methow)
Goat Creek
Gold Creek
Lake Creek (Methow)
Libby Creek
Little Bridge Creek
Lower Beaver Creek
Lower Lost River
Lower Twisp River
Methow River-Alder Creek
Methow River-Alta Coulee
Methow River-Fawn Creek
Methow River-McFarland Creek
Methow River-Rattlesnake Creek
Methow River-Texas Creek
Methow River-Thompson Creek
Middle Twisp River
North Fork Boulder Creek
Robinson Creek
South Creek
South Fork Beaver Creek
South Fork Gold Creek
Squaw Creek
Twenty Mile Creek
Twisp River Headwaters
Upper Beaver Creek
Upper Lost River
Upper Twisp River
War Creek
West Fork Methow River
Windy Creek
Wolf Creek
Choose only AUs that the project directly targets. AUs can be found online at https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/
Okanogan Assessment Unit(s)
Aeneas Creek
Chewiliken Creek
Chiliwist Creek
Coulee Creek
Dan Canyon
Hicks Canyon
Johnson Creek
Kartar Creek
Lower Antoine Creek
Lower Bonaparte Creek
Lower Loup Loup Creek
Lower North Fork Toats Coulee Creek
Lower Omak Creek
Lower Sinlahekin Creek
Lower Siwash Creek
Lower Tunk Creek
McDonald Lake
Middle Fork Toats Coulee Creek
Middle Omak Creek
Middle Sinlahekin Creek
North Fork Salmon Creek
Okanogan River-Alkali Lake
Okanogan River-Davis Canyon
Okanogan River-Mosquito Creek
Okanogan River-Nine Mile Creek
Okanogan River-Swipkin Canyon
Okanogan River-Tallant Creek
Okanogan River-Whitestone Coulee
Omak Lake
Palmer Lake
Peony Creek
Pine Creek
Salmon Creek-Green Lake
Similkameen River-Ellemeham Draw
Similkameen River-Jewette Creek
Sinlahekin Creek Headwaters
Snehumption Creek
Soap Lake
South Fork Salmon Creek
South Fork Toats Coulee Creek
Starzman Lake
Summit Creek
Tamarack Spring
Tonasket Creek
Upper Antoine Creek
Upper Bonaparte Creek
Upper Loup Loup Creek
Upper North Fork Toats Coulee Creek
Upper Omak Creek
Upper Sinlahekin Creek
Upper Siwash Creek
Upper Tunk Creek
Wanacut Creek
West Fork Salmon Creek
Whisky Cache Creek
Whitestone Creek
Choose only AUs that the project directly targets. AUs can be found online at https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/
Please explain why there are multiple subbasins
Columbia River small tributaries HUC-12(s)
Please list the HUC-12s your project directly targets.
Does the proposed project span multiple assessment units?
List the additional assessment units directly impacted by this proposal.
Reach(es) Name
Reach names can be found online at https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/
Identify the reach ranking. Please reference the Prioritization Web Map: https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/. Note: If the project involves work in multiple reaches, select "Multiple" and include details in the text box that will appear below.
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Unranked (not a priority or missing data)
Multiple reaches (provide details below)
Please detail the reach-ranking of the reaches below
E.g., Reach: Chiwawa River Lower 06 - Rank 1; Reach: Chiwawa River Lower 05 - Rank 2
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Project Timeline
Select the estimated start and end date of the proposed project phase.
Project Start Date
Project End Date
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Project Information
1. What species will the project benefit?
Spring Chinook
Bull Trout
Summer Chinook
2. Select the project type.
Fish Passage
Fish Screening
Instream Flow
Instream Habitat (Includes Floodplain & Off-Channel Reconnection)
Riparian Habitat
Upland Habitat
Water Quality
Quantify and describe the habitat restoration metrics associated with your project.
e.g., Increase instream complexity by 0.5 miles and reconnect 0.75 miles of off-channel habitat to benefit juvenile Chinook rearing.
3. Select the Priority Action Categories of the proposed restoration treatments for your project reach(es), as identified in the Prioritization Strategy. Select all that apply. Please reference the Prioritization Web Map: https://prioritization.ucsrb.org/
Bank Restoration
Brook Trout Management
Channel Complexity Restoration
Channel Modification
Enhance Food Resources
Fine Sediment Management
Floodplain Reconnection
Harassment Management
Instream Flow Acquisition, Protection, Restoration
Predator Management
Riparian Restoration and Management
Side Channel/Off-Channel Habitat Restoration
Superimposition Management
Upland Management
Water Quality Improvement
Acquisition, Easements, Leases: Reporting Code
Miles of streambank and/or Shoreline Protected by Land or Easement Acquisition
Acres by Acreage Type (easement) and/or Acres by Acreage Type (fee simple)
Floodplain Areas Protected** this reporting metric does not appear in PRISM. Work with the LE to ad this metric upon completion of project.
Fish Passage: Reporting Code
Miles of stream made accessible
Number of fish passage blockages / impediments / barriers impeding passage
Number of road-crossings
Fish Screen: Reporting Code
Number of fish screens installed
Number of fish screens replaced or modified
Instream Flow: Reporting Code
Miles of stream 'Protected' for adequate flow
Change in water flow
Cfs (Cubic feet per second) of water conserved per year
Instream Habitat: Reporting Code
Total miles of instream habitat treated
Number of beavers
Miles of off-channel stream created or connected
Acres of channel/off-channel connected or added
Number of structures placed in channel
Pools created through channel structure placement
Miles of streambank stabilized
Riparian Habitat: Reporting Code
Total riparian miles streambank treated
Total riparian acres treated
Miles of fence along stream
Riparian acres treated for forestry practices/stand management
Upland Habitat: Reporting Code
Acres of upland habitat treated
Number of erosion/ Sediment control installations
Miles of road abandoned
Miles of road treated for drainage improvements and reconstruction
Acres treated for slope stabilization
Upland livestock management
Water Quality: Reporting Code
Total acres feet of water treated for water quality
Miles of stream treated with nutrients
Water quality limitation treated
Wetlands: Reporting Code
Acres of wetland improvement/enhancement
4. Does this project already exist in Salmon Recovery Portal or PRISM?
Don't Know
If this project is part of or a phase of an existing project that exists in SRP or PRISM (e.g., design), write the related project(s) name here:
5. Has this project been submitted previously for funding through the SRFB, BPA, and/or other entities?
Don't Know
Please explain where the project was previously submitted for funding and how this proposal differs from the previous submission (e.g., different phase, modified scope, etc.)
6. What category is the project?
If applicable, what is the secondary project category?
Is the project eligible for SRFB Riparian Funding?
Don't Know
Design and Restoration Proposals
7. What project phase(s) are proposed for completion?
Conceptual Design
Preliminary Design
Final Design
8. Is your project within a completed (or soon-to-be completed) Reach Assessment or other type of assessment (e.g., Rapid Site Assessment, other)?
Please name the assessment
9. Which limiting factors does the project propose to address?
Bank Stability
Brook Trout
Channel Stability
Coarse Substrate
Cover - Boulder
Cover - Undercut Banks
Cover - Wood
Fish Passage Barriers
Flow - Scour
Flow - Summer Base Flow
Food - Food Web Resources
Off-Channel - Floodplain
Off-Channel - Side-Channels
Percent Fines/Embeddedness
Pool Quantity & Quality
Pools - Deep Pools
Predators - Adults
Predators - Juveniles
Riparian - Canopy Cover
Riparian - Disturbance
Riparian - Structure
Temperature - Adult Holding
Temperature - Adult Spawning
Temperature - Rearing
10. Which life stages will the proposed project address?
Adult Migration
Adult Non-Spawning (Bull Trout)
Natal Rearing (Bull Trout)
Subadult Rearing (Bull Trout)
Holding and Maturation
Smolt Outmigration
Spawning and Incubation
Summer Rearing
Winter Rearing
11. Describe how your project will improve survival, capacity and/or distribution for target species at the reach scale?
Additional Space for #11 *Freshwater Benefits
12. Briefly describe how and to what extent the project would promote natural stream/watershed process consistent with the geomorphology of the stream?
13. How long will it take for the project to achieve its intended response?
Less than or equal to 1 year
1-10 years
10-25 years
25-50 years
Greater than 50 years
14. How long will the restoration action and its benefits persist?
Less than 10 years
10-50 years
50+ years
15. What level and/or interval of maintenance is anticipated? What is the plan for any anticipated maintenance?
16. Briefly describe the proposed restoration methods and how they will achieve project objectives.
Example: Remove 1,000 feet of rip rap and add three large wood structures to promote floodplain inundation.
17. If applying for SRFB riparian funding, does the project have in-stream components? If so, briefly describe those components, how they support riparian plant survival and/or natural regeneration, and why they are necessary for the success of the riparian habitat elements of the project.
Consult Manual 18, Appendix M for specifications on riparian funding eligibility.
Assessment Proposals
7. What type of assessment are you proposing?
8. Is the assessment identified on the MaDMC monitoring and data gaps list?
Don't Know
*If yes, and that project already exists in SRP or PRISM, what is the name of the existing project?
9. Describe how the assessment fills a regional priority and where that priority is identified.
10. What methods will you use in your assessment and how will they achieve your stated objective(s)?
10. Will a design result from the project?
11. If yes, what level of design (e.g. conceptual, preliminary, final)? What proportion of your budget will support design?
12. Briefly describe how this project directly relates to riparian habitat and how it will directly lead to the development of actionable projects.
Protection Proposals
7. What type of protection are you proposing?
Fee Simple
Conservation Easement
8. Is this protection project associated with a current or future restoration project?
If yes, and that project already exists in SRP or PRISM, what is the name of the existing project?
9. Placement - Does the project protect important high quality habitat and/or watershed processes and to what degree?
10. Freshwater Benefit - What would be the anticipated loss in survival, capacity or distribution for target species at the reach scale if the proposed area is not protected?
11. Threat - How imminent is the threat of habitat degradation to the proposed land if the project is not implemented?
12. Conditions - Briefly describe if there are any conditions regarding the protection of the property that could limit the protection benefits.
13. Will there be public access?
14. Is the proposed acquisition area (that is applying for Riparian Funding) composed of 50 percent or less uplands, as per the UC riparian delineation?
Monitoring Proposals
7. Does this project address a Tier 1 data gap in the MaDMC Regional Data Gaps List?
Don't Know
List can be found at https://www.ucsrb.org/mdocs-posts/madmc-data-gaps/
8. To what extent does your project address a regional data gap?
9. What is the scale of inference?
Site Scale
Reach Scale
Stream Scale
Catchment (HUC 14)
Assessment Unit(HUC 12)
Population Scale
Multiple Populations
10. Purpose - How will the monitoring complement, enhance, or leverage ongoing monitoring efforts?
11. Methods - Briefly describe the methods and how they are appropriate to the monitoring question
12. Describe how the data (raw and processed), results, and other information will be disseminated and accessed once the project is complete
13. Explain why BPA project funds are being requested rather than funds from other sources
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Project Risk
1. What is the landownership?
e.g. private, DNR, Forest Service, etc.
2. Have you secured landowner permission for this project?
Please explain
3. Describe any land owner requirements (e.g., design elements, right-of-ways, access agreements, liability waivers, etc.) and if/how they could affect the project
4. Will the project raise potential concerns for interest groups (e.g., recreational users) or the community at large (including upstream/ downstream/ adjacent landowners)?
5. Who will have the responsibility to manage and maintain the project? What is the responsibility of current or future landowners?
6. Are other projects being proposed immediately upstream or downstream of the worksite?
Don't know
If yes, describe your efforts to coordinate with the other project sponsor(s) and/or manager(s)
7. Please describe the risk of failure associated with this project.
8. Is there any public outreach planned during and/or after implementation? Does the project build community support for salmon recovery efforts?
10. Describe any partnerships, their experience, and types of contributions supporting the project.
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Supporting Documents
Upload any supporting documents that are relevant to describing the project such as design drawings, detailed budget, maps, photographs, or letters of support.
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Optional Section - Preparation for PRISM
The following questions are identical to the questions RCO requires in the PRISM application. If desired, sponsors can complete associated questions early and copy responses into PRISM if they apply for funding through the SRFB.
Do you want to review and/or pre-populate PRISM questions?
1. Problem Statement: What are the problems your project seeks to address? Include the source and scale of each problem. Describe the site, reach, and watershed conditions. Describe how those conditions impact salmon populations. Include current and historical factors important to understand the problems.
2. Describe the limiting factors, and/or ecological concerns, and limiting life stages (by fish species) that your project expects to address.
3. What are the project goals? The goal of the project should be to solve identified problems by addressing the root causes. Then clearly state the desired and future condition. Include which species and life stages will benefit from the outcome, and the time of year the benefits will be realized.
4. What are the project objectives? Objectives support and refine biological goals, breaking them down into smaller steps. Objectives are specific, quantifiable actions the project will complete to achieve the stated goal. Each objective should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
5. Scope of work and deliverables. Provide a detailed description of each project task/element. With each task/element, identify who will be responsible for each, what the deliverables will be, and the schedule for completion.
6. What are the assumptions and physical constraints that could impact whether you achieve your objectives? Assumptions and constraints are external conditions that are not under the direct control of the project, but directly impact the outcome of the project. These may include ecological and geomorphic factors, land use constraints, public acceptance of the project, delays, or other factors. How will you address these issues if they arise?
7. How have lessons learned from completed projects or monitoring studies informed this projects?
8. Describe the alternatives considered and why the preferred was chosen.
9. How were stakeholders consulted in the development of this project? Identify the stakeholders, their concerns or feedback, and how the concerns were addressed.
10. Does your project address or accommodate the anticipated effects of climate change?
11. Describe the sponsor's experience managing this type of project. Describe other projects where the sponsors has successfully used a similar approach.
12. Will veterans (including the veterans conservation corps) be involved in the project? If yes, please describe.
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