Lesley Duthie
13 inches, OOAK, $425. Porcelain head and hands, soft body with wire armature surrounded by cotton batting, polyester stuffing, and elastic fabric adhesive wrap. Brown glass eyes, polyester faux fur fabric hair. Baker-influenced style, with striped t-shirt material for socks. Hand-sewn shoes made of felt and cheesecloth fabric accented with silk ribbon bows. Cotton shirt and pants. Apron and hat made with silver heat-reflective fabric. Cheesecloth fabric for scarf. Hand-colored silk wings. Accessories are a cardboard bellows made of chamois with metal studs and a glass cauldron with resin, expanding foam, battery-operated lights, glitter, pipe cleaners, wooden spoon, glass bottle, and plastic funnel mounted on a wooden stand. Head and hands were first sculpted in clay to be rendered in porcelain medium. Handcrafted and hand-painted in porcelain kiln-fired paint to give the character a lifelike look.