Rahma Center Participation Form
"Welcome to Rahma Center"
Thank you for taking the time to express your interest in engaging with Rahma Center. We have many ways for you to engage in the Rahma Center Community. This form will capture some basic information that we will then forward to the appropriate individual(s) who will reach out to you with next steps. When you submit the form, you will be taken to our "Rahma Center" WhatsApp community where you can choose the groups you want to be a part of. May Allah bless you, your family and our community!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
If your number is not a 10 digit number (e.g. a different country), add any extra numbers at the beginning of your number to your "First Name" above. Your number written above should be the last 10 digits of your phone number please.
Which of the following groups are you interested in joining?
Sproutz (Grades 3, 4 and 5)
Pre-teens (Grades 6, 7 and 8)
Teens (High School)
Young Professionals (21-35 year olds)
Mature Professionals (36-59 year olds)
Rahma Elders (60+)
Rahma Readers (Book Club)
Sports Club
Healing Hearts (Divorced/Single Parents)
Accessibility Committee (Special Needs, etc.)
Are you interested in volunteering your time and/or talents to Rahma Center?
Not at this time
Your age
0-13 years old
14-19 years old
20-29 years old
30-39 years old
40-49 years old
50-59 years old
60+ years old
If you have a particular talent or set of skills that you would like to donate to Rahma Center, please indicate what talents or Professional Skills you would like to contribute to Rahma Center (e.g. video editing, ushering, physical labor, audio-visual support, organizing, etc.)
If you indicated that you would like to volunteer your time, what ways would you like to volunteer?
By Checking this box, I agree to be added to the Rahma Center Universal Liability Waiver https://therahmacenter.org/releaseandwaiver/.
When you click "Submit", you will be taken to the "Rahma Center" WhatsApp Community.
Once your request to join the community has been accepted, you will be able to request to join any of the many Rahma Center WhatsApp Chat Groups available within this community.
Should be Empty: