MSC Online Brand of the Year 2024
Nomination form
About the MSC UK Online Brand of the Year Award
The MSC UK Online Brand of the Year is presented to an MSC UK partner that has championed the MSC across the 2023-2024 financial year, using their online platform to champion seafood sustainability. This award is a chance to showcase your efforts in sourcing and selling certified sustainable fish and seafood, whilst also engaging your customer base and raising awareness about the importance of choosing products with the blue MSC ecolabel.
An internal MSC judging panel will be looking for a brand which has gone the extra mile in promoting sustainable seafood. This could be through expanding your MSC labelled product range, working closely with your suppliers to support fisheries on their sustainability journey, and/or actively engaging customers to raise awareness about the importance of the blue MSC ecolabel.
Entries open: Monday 15th July.
Entries close: Friday 30th August.
Why enter?
- Demonstrate your commitment to bringing sustainable seafood to your customers.
- Gain recognition for your marketing efforts, innovation, and performance around seafood sustainability.
- Share and shout out about your award win; to your customers in your communications across the coming year.
- Join an ever-growing community of MSC UK Award winners!
Who can enter?
This category is only open to brands that purely sell through online platforms. Those with brick and mortar outlets are not eligible.
Who will be judging this award?
All nominations will be reviewed by an internal MSC judging panel.
Judging Criteria:
Each entry into this category will be assessed against the following three criteria outlined below. All aspects of the criteria are weighted equally with a rating scorecard of 1 to 5.
1. Promotion of MSC certified products/species and/or introduction of new sustainable offerings
Demonstrable support for MSC certified fisheries through the product and species range promoted to your customers.
2. Increased awareness of MSC labelled fish and seafood
Effective use of certification and the blue MSC ecolabel to engage consumers and enhance their awareness of the MSC.
3. Sustainable seafood commitment
Clear commitment to increasing the availability of MSC certified fish and seafood now, and in the future.
Entry Terms and Conditions
There is no cost for entry. Please complete this entry form by the above deadline.
Entry information
This information is for internal MSC judging purposes only and will not be shared externally.