Holden Lake Farm Plant Request Form
We value your feedback! Help us plan for next year's garden offerings by sharing your preferences and ideas. Our goal is to create a unique boutique-style experience and become the number one garden provider. Your input is crucial in achieving this.
First Name
Last Name
Are you on our Farm Club Member list? (subscriber)
Please Select
What specific annuals would you like us to offer?
What specific perennials would you like us to offer?
What specific vegetables would you like us to offer?
What specific herbs would you like us to offer?
What specific succulents / indoor plants would you like us to offer?
What other plants would you like us to offer?Please list any other plants you would like to see:
Are there any specific features or qualities you are looking for in your plants? (e.g., drought-resistant, native species, organic, etc.)
Do you prefer plants that are easy to maintain or are you open to more challenging varieties?
Workshops & Events you would like to see in the future:
Tools Maintenance
Pest Management
Floral Arrangement
Moss Basket Making
Companion Planting
Seed Collecting
Food Truck Festival
Farm Tours
If other, please indicate what other workshops you'd like to see:
Do you have any other suggestions or comments to help us improve our plant selection?
Please share any other ideas you have for creating a unique boutique-style gardening experience:
Submit Form
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