Presenter/Presentation Information:
Tell us about yourself and your presentation!
The description in your biography and your presentation proposals should be a concise synopsis of what you want us to post to our social media platforms for the public to see.
There is space for two proposals, but that does not mean both will be approved or that you have to have two proposals. The first entry should be your first choice. There are three types of presentations to choose from:
Lecture: an educational talk to an audience. Rows of chairs will be facing a table/podium at the front of the room.
Workshop: an instructional talk where attendees actively participate or create something. The room setup can vary depending on need, such as workshop stations or empty space for gathering in a group (i.e. meditation, breathing).
Ritual: a religious or solemn ceremony. The room setup can vary depending on need, but generally will have an empty middle space with tables for a main altar. Chairs will be along the perimeter of the room. Tables for quarter altars can be provided if needed.
As a general rule, fire is not allowed, which includes burning candles and incense, and outside food/beverage cannot be distributed to attendees. Any distributed food/beverage must be done by the contracted catering team. If you need this (i.e. cakes and ale), please specify and we will work to see what can be accommodated.