此乃提交作品表格, 請確保已填妥以下申請表格, 如未填申請表格, 作品提交將會無效
*上載之檔案必須儲存為「參賽編號_參賽者英文姓名_作品名稱」,例如:「VHCA80000_Chan Tai Man_XXX」
This is the Entry Submission Form. Please make sure you have completed the following application form. Otherwise, the entry submission will be invalid.
Local:https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/piano2024_online_applicationOversea: https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/os_piano2024_online_application
*Participants are obliged to the guidelines. Failure to adhere thereto may affect marks/grades or even result in disqualification.
*Name the video using the following format: [Application No._ Participant or team’s full English name_Title of music piece] e.g. VHCA80000_Chan Tai Man_XXX
*The hyperlink provided should be valid. The Association is not responsible for any failure to adjudicate due to an invalid hyperlink.
傑出培訓獎 Outstanding Training Award