Thank you for your interest in SunLine Transit ADA Paratransit Eligibility. SunLine offers multiple public transportation options for individuals with disabilities. Eligibility for these services is based on a person’s functional ability to use SunLine’s fixed-route bus service (SunBus).
SunLine operates fixed-route bus services that transport individuals with physical, cognitive, and visual disabilities daily. All SunLine buses are equipped with ADA-accessible features, including low-floor buses, lifts/ramps, audio announcements, designated priority seating areas for individuals with disabilities, enhanced signage, kneeling buses, and handrails.
SunLine also provides SunDial Paratransit Service for customers with disabilities who are functionally unable to use SunLine's fixed-route bus service (SunBus). If you are unable to use the fixed-route bus system due to a functional limitation, you may qualify for SunDial service. SunDial is a public paratransit transportation service designed for individuals with disabilities who cannot use the fixed-route bus system. Concerns such as diagnosis, age, distance to a bus stop, lack of bus service, overcrowded buses, inability to drive, financial situation, inconvenience, or discomfort are not the sole basis for determining SunDial eligibility.
SunDial is provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is an origin-to-destination, shared ride, advanced reservation public transit service. In compliance with ADA regulations, SunDial is comparable to SunLine’s fixed-route bus system, including on-time performance, travel time, and service area (¾ mile from a regular SunLine fixed-route bus stop).
- Review the eligibility information provided in this ADA application.
- If you believe you qualify for ADA paratransit services:
a. Complete all of Part A of the ADA paratransit application.
b. Sign the application.
c. Have a medical professional familiar with your health condition, disability, and functional abilities complete the Health Care Provider Certification Form – Part B of the application.
🔹 Note: The medical verification must be completed within 60 days prior to applying. (It cannot be signed by the health care provider more than 60 days before submitting it to SunLine Transit Agency.)
Once both sections are completed, mail the full application to:
SunLine Transit Agency
c/o Eligibility
32-505 Harry Oliver Trail
Thousand Palms, CA 92276
Before I start this application and the certification process, I understand all information providedmust be true, accurate, and correct. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, informationgiven in this application is correct. The purpose of this application is to determine if I am eligible to use paratransit services, or if at times, I can ride the SunLine fixed-route bus service (SunBus). I understandthat falsification of information could result in a loss of paratransit services as well as a penaltyunder the law.
Important Application Instructions
To complete the application process for the SunDial Paratransit Service, please follow these steps:
- Download and print Part B – The Health Care Provider Certification (Part B) must be completed by your healthcare provider.
- Take Part B to your doctor – Provide the printed form to your healthcare provider and request that they complete it.
- Have your healthcare provider mail the completed application back to you – Your provider must mail the completed Part B directly to your home address.
- Submit both Part A and Part B together – Once you receive the completed Part B, you must mail both Part A and Part B together so we can begin processing your application.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: Do not submit Part A without Part B, and do not ask your health care provider to submit Part B without Part A. Both parts must be submitted together to avoid delays in processing your application.