By putting forward your Expression of Interest (EOI) as a performer you accept that you are agreeing to the following.
I understand that EOI does not guarantee that I will be offered a place in the cast
I confirm that I am available for the entire day and night of the Carols (Sunday 22nd December)
I confirm that I am available to attend the sitz probe (Tentative full rehearsal date afternoon of 8th December 2024)
I agree to learn the allocated carol/s and harmonies in my own time and attend any rehearsals that are scheduled.
If required, I agree to attend as many group rehearsals as I can (Date and Time TBC)
I agree to help with bump in and bump out.
I agree to my image being used for any promotional material throughout the Ballarat Carols by Candlelight online accounts.
I understand the event will be filmed and may be streamed.
I understand that all performers are donating their time
I will try to the best of my ability to help promote and encourage people to attend the Ballarat Carols by Candlelight in ways of poster hanging, sharing of the event online, and talking to people I know.