Women's Health Patient History
2. When did your problem first begin? place x here months ago or place x here years ago.
4. Since that time is it: staying the same place x here getting worse place x heregetting better.
Frequency of urination: awake hour's blanks times per day, sleep hours blank times per night.
When you have a normal urge to urinate, how long can you delay before you have to go to the toilet? blanks minutes, blank hours, blanksnot at all.
The usual amount of urine passed is: blanks small blank medium Type a label large.
Frequency of bowel movements blanks times per day, blank times per week, or Type a label .
When you have an urge to have a bowel movement, how long can you delay before you have to to the toilet? blanks minutes,blank hours or, Type a label not at all.
Of this total how many glasses are caffeinated? blanks glasses per day.