• A candidate is not permitted to enter for the same syllabus code at two centres in the same series.
• Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of each examination.
- A candidate must be on time for all examinations. For late arrival, although the centre may allow the candidate to sit the exam, the answer script for marking may not be accepted.
• If a candidate misses an examination, he/she will not be given a grade in the subject.
• A candidate must not take part in any unfair practice either when preparing Coursework, or when taking the examinations.
• A candidate must not talk, communicate in any way with, seek assistance from or give assistance to, or disturb other candidates once the examination has started.
• Smoking is not permitted in the examination room.
• A candidate may take into the examination room only the materials and equipment which are allowed.
- Calculator cases/instruction leaflets, bags, non-transparent pencil cases, personal TVs or computers, electronic or radio communication devices including mobile telephones, portable music players, or any other material or equipment are not allowed.
• Correcting fluid/correcting pens must not be used.
• Take into the examination room the pens, pencils, rulers and any instruments that you need for the examination.
• You must write in blue or black ink except for multiple choices papers that must be completed in pencil (B or HB). Coloured pencils or inks may be used only for diagrams, maps, charts etc. Correcting fluid must never be used during an examination and highlighter pens or glue must not be used unless specifically permitted by the syllabus.
• You may not borrow anything from another candidate during the examination.
• Calculators, Dictionaries and Spell-checkers are not allowed; unless indicated on your exams.
• If you use a calculator
- make sure it works properly
- make sure the battery is working properly
- clear anything stored in it
- do not bring into the examination room any operating instructions or prepared programs.
Anyone found in possession of any unauthorised material, even if you do not intend to use it, will be automatically disqualified from the subject being taken.
• Listen to the invigilator and do what you are instructed.
• Tell the invigilator at once if you think you have not been given the right question paper or all the materials listed on the front of the paper; if the question paper is incomplete or badly printed.
• Read carefully the instructions printed on the question paper and/or on the answer book/answer paper. Make sure you follow the instructions strictly.
• Fill in the required details on the front of your question paper and/or answer book/answer paper before the start of the examination.
• Do any rough work on the examination stationery provided. Cross it through and leave it on your desk when you leave.
• If on the day of the examination you feel that your work may be affected by ill health or any other reason, please tell the invigilator.
• If during the examination, you have a problem or are in doubt about what you should do, put your hand up to attract attention. The invigilator will come and assist you;if possible.
• You may not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the examination questions.
Leaving the Examination room
• If you have used more than one answer book and/or loose sheets of answer paper, you must place them in the correct order. Fasten them together before you leave.
• You must not leave the examination room until the invigilator tells you to do so.
• When you leave the examination room you must leave behind the question paper, your answer book/answer paper, rough work, and any other (used or unused) materials provided for the examination.
• If you cheat, try to use any unfair practice, or break the rules in any way, you may be disqualified from all your subjects.
- I make this entry according to the provisions of the published regulations which I have studied.
- I agree that it is my responsibility to select the modular units that best meet my needs.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to check the examination schedule to ensure that the subjects for which I have entered do not clash, and I agree that no arrangements can be made for rescheduling examinations that clash.
- I have given all the information required truthfully and accurately to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- I understand that I shall be allowed to sit only for those subjects and papers for which I have entered on this form.
- I have not made an entry at any other Pearson Edexcel centre.
- I agree that there will be no postponement or refund of all fees should I decide to withdraw from the examination after registration.
- I agree that Keaes Academics is not responsible for the exam cancellation caused by COVID-19 or unpredicted situation. The refund policy is due to Pearson Edexcel.
- I accept the responsibility to ascertain the location and date of examination in case the official notification does not reach me on time.
- I have read and fully understood all information in the Registration Guide, Registration Form, Notice to candidates, Rules and Regulations and will follow all the instructions stated.