First Name
Last Name
What motivates you to learn Remote Sales?
Curious, do you have your own coaching programs or business? (This is not a condition of acceptance.)
Do you have sales experience?
If yes, please describe your experience.
What is your goal income to generate from high-ticket sales?
What is the most you’ve earned selling high-ticket coaching?
How many hours do you have available a week to study, implement and sell as a remote closer?
How soon would you like to get started as a remote closer?
Now (as soon as possible)
Sooner (within the next 3 months)
Later (3 mos+)
Not sure
If we MUTUALLY decide that The Classy Close Case Study is the next best move, are you prepared to invest $5,000 to personally be mentored by us and get access to our Remote Sales opportunities?
Yes, I can be resourceful and make it work if I felt it was the right fit.
No, even if I really wanted to join, I wouldn't be able to afford it.
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