Example Letter:
Dear UIHC Leadership,
I am an lowa City resident and longtime patient at the University, as are many of my friends and family members. I read that staff who transitioned to UIHC through the merger with Mercy lowa City have lost their seniority and their sick leave by simply choosing to stay in their jobs and are now on probation, as if they were new employees. I also heard that they are not receiving a new hire bonus, a perk meant to incentivize new staff to stay. If they are only being punished through losing job security and earned benefits and not incentivized, why would anyone stay?
As a member of this community and one of your patients, I value having quality, well-trained healthcare providers. That is what UIHC stands for, isn't it? Show your staff that you value them the way you tell us you value them and act accordingly. Restore seniority to all staff obtained through mergers in the last five years, and take them off of probation if applicable. I expect better from UIHC. Don't prove your patients wrong. Do the right thing.
Signed with conviction,
Jane Smith
Tips for letter writers:
- Speak from your own experience.
- Were you a former Mercy IC patient who now has to choose to stay with UIHC or transfer care to a different health system? Has the merger impacted you? How? Why do UIHC employment practices matter to you?
- Keep it simple - unless you feel compelled, the letter doesn't need to be more than 2-3 paragraphs
- Make a clear demand at the end:
-Restore seniority
-Revoke probation
-Restore sick time lost in merger
-Speak from the heart!
Your words are most impactful when you use your own words and display what is important to you
Address to send letter to:
Bradley Haws
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States