Sooner SUCCESS/Sibling Support Interest Form
What Projects are you interested in? Select all that apply:
2025 Sibling Camp Family
2025 Sibling Camp Volunteer (18 yrs+)
Sibling Support Volunteer
Respite Volunteer (1-3 hours: Help watch kiddos with special health care needs at community event so parents get a break)
Volunteer for Community events (Sensory Winter Wonderland, Pool parties, resource fairs, cultural celebrations etc.)
Future Sibling Camp Family Interest Form :
Please fill out this interest form to be considered for our Sibling Camp in 2025! Applicants will be interviewed so we can get to know you and your family and better understand what you hope to gain from Sibling Camp! (Families that have attended previously may ALSO submit an interest form!) Requirements for sibling camp include: Individual with disabilities must be 8-25y and must have an intellectual or developmental disability and they must have at least one sibling aged 8-17 that is neurotypical (sibling may be biological, foster, or living within the home).
What is Sibling Camp?
Sibling Camp is the only camp of it's kind that is based off of Sibshops Curriculum and focuses on supporting the relationship between siblings with and without disabilities. Campers with disabilities and siblings enjoy fun activities, build their self advocacy skills and make lifelong friendships with other kids that "get it". Caregivers enjoy a much needed break and join us the last day for an amazing talent show!!!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please Describe your loved one with Disability's Full Diagnosis
How old is your loved one with disabilities?
Please Select
Have they attended Sibling Camp before?
Have they attended any camp in the previous years?
If so, what year?
Please describe the relationships between your loved one with disabilities and their siblings.
Have any of the neurotypical siblings shared concerns with you about their brother or sister with disabilities? If so, what concerns did they have?
What do you hope your family will gain from attending Sibling camp?
Thank you! You May Now Submit!
We appreciate your interest in participating in this wonderful program! Completed interest form does not guarantee a volunteer spot. Please visit our website or call us at 405-271-2710 if you would like more information about Sooner SUCCESS.Please contact Samantha Basave 405-593-9266 or for any questions regarding volunteering.
Sooner SUCCESS Volunteers (Camp, Respite, Sibshops, Community)
Our team at Sooner SUCCESS hosts some of the most fun and enjoyable events of the year! No matter where you are, our statewide team is always looking for motivated volunteers! Please check off which volunteer opportunity you would be interested in.
Sensory Winter Wonderland
Sensory Winter Wonderland is an event for families with disabilities to enjoy the holiday cheer in a fun and sensory-friendly space. This year, it will take place on Dec 14th from 2-4 pm at Draper Park Christian Church 8500 S Walker Ave OKC, OK 73139. Volunteers will be asked to hand out food, greet, do arts and crafts and dance!
Sibling Camp 2025 Volunteer
Sibling Camp is a camp designed to support the relationship between siblings with and without disabilities. Volunteers will be partnered with an individual with disabilities and help make camp an amazing experience! Overnight and Day options are available. Food and lodging included.
Adult Sibling Camp Mentor
Siblings at our sibling camp love meeting older Siblings of brothers/sisters with disabilities. The serve as great role models and supporting mentors to our younger attendees. If you are an adult sibling and are interested, sign up today!
Respite Volunteer
Respite programs are community events that last 1-3 hours. Volunteers will be partnered with an individual with disabilities to play fun crafts and games.
Community Events
Sooner SUCCESS's coordinators are located across the state and host MANY events throughout the year for families with disabilities. Volunteers are always needed to pass out prizes, check people in and many other tasks!
Sooner SUCCESS Volunteers (Camp, Respite, Sibshops, Community)
Sibling Camp 2025 Volunteer
Adult Sibling Camp Mentor
Respite Volunteer
Community Events
First Name
Last Name
What County do you live in?
What is your age?
T-shirt Size
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Alternative phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Do you have previous experience as a volunteer?
Please list previous experience:
Are you first aid/CPR certified?
Are you a trained medical professional?
If yes, indicate credential (LPN, RN, APRN, PA, MD, etc.)
Please select all days and times you are available.
Friday- April 25th
Friday Overnight
Saturday - April 26th
Saturday Overnight
Sunday - April 27th
If you have specific times you are available on April 25th-27th please let us know here.
Are you comfortable assisting an individual with incontinence issues (bathroom support)?
I need more information
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Have you ever (1) been adjudged liable for civil penalties or damages involving sexual or physical abuse of a child, (2) been subject to a court order involving sexual or physical abuse of a child, or (3) had your parental rights terminated because of sexual or physical abuse of a child?
We would like to connect with you to share more details about upcoming camp details and to obtain the required information to secure your registration as a volunteer. May we contact you by phone or email?
Thank you!
We appreciate your interest in volunteering for this wonderful program! All volunteer hours can be verified and documented. Completed interest form does not guarantee a volunteer spot. Please visit our website or call us at 405-271-2710 if you would like more information about Sooner SUCCESS.Please contact Samantha Basave 405-593-9266 or for any questions regarding volunteering.
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