Ability to engage in art activities and assumption of the risk:
Global Art activities, including but not limited to paints, glues, pastels, chalk pastels, pencils, wood/plaster tools, fiber (yarn/fabric/papers), wax, plastic bags, batik dye, incense, plaster, drawing and sculpting in nature. Kinder Art, LLC (dba Global Art Dublin) takes all possible precautions to reduce risk and provide safe, healthy, and enjoyable experiences. You warrant that your child is able to follow directions for all activities in class. You acknowledge that risks from participation in class activities exist and that you have allowed your child to attend art camps knowing these risks and their possible consequences including personal injury.
As a parent or guardian of the child(ren) registered, you agree that you will not hold Kinder Art, LLC (dba Global Art Dublin) liable for any personal injury, property damage or loss of insurance. You agree to release and hold harmless Kinder Art, LLC (dba Global Art Dublin) from all liability incurred as a result of your child(ren)'s participation in class and that these terms serve as a release for yourself, volunteers, property owners and members of your family.
*Liability relating to Coronavirus: Kinder Art, LLC (dba Global Art Dublin) has put in place preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, however we cannot guarantee that you or your child will not become infected with COVID-19 (before, during or after the participation at Global Art Dublin). By signing this agreement, you will admit the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntary assume the risk that your child(ren) or you may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending Global Art Dublin's classes and that such exposure or infection may result in illness, hospitalization, disability or death. You will voluntary agree to assume all the foregoing and inherent risks and accept full responsibility for expenses of any kind in connection to Coronavirus exposure or infection. You hereby release; covenant not to sue, discharge, hold harmless, defend, and indemnify Kinder Art, LLC (dba Global Art Dublin) and its employees. You will acknowledge the understanding of this clause in this registration form by signing it at the end.
Fees Paid:
Fees paid are final. No refunds will be given for change of mind, inability to attend classes or return of materials. Make-up class credits will only be given if the make-up and absences form is filled and the studio is informed of the absence prior to the date of absence.
Tuition Fees:
A card-on-file is required for all registered students. Please see the front office to process the required payment.
By hitting SUBMIT and sign/write your initials for this registration, you agree that you are the parent/legal guardian of the above named child and you are over the age of 18.