The Alexandria NCAP (Nation's Capital Swim Club) Program (J&M Swim is the official name of the Alexandria Program) is offering a generous scholarship to one swimmer from the Virginia Hills Tidal Wave! NCAP is a year-round swim program with optional swim meets along the way. Many swimmers from the Tidal Wave swim in the program and practices are held at Franconia District Center.
WHAT: The scholarship is for a $1000 discount on a NCAP registration for the 2024-25 season. It is good for any of the team programs, including high school fitness.
WHO: New swimmers to NCAP. A swimmer who hasn't swum with NCAP for 3+ years also qualifies. If you have just registered as a new swimmer, they will offer you a credit!
WHEN: Applications are due Friday, July 19 @ noon.
HOW: Have your swimmer fill out the following short questions. Parents of younger children - you can type for your children, but please have the kids answer the questions sincerely. We aren't looking for perfect answers. Honest answers are the best!
Applications will be received by Virginia Hills coaches (anonymously) and they will announce the winner at our awards ceremony!
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to:
Caitlin Irvin, team rep -
Jen James, VA Hills and NCAP swim parent -