Moore-Hufstedler Fund (MHF) Proposal Form for Academic Year 2024-2025
For more information about the MHF and the proposal/funding process, please visit:
MHF Proposal Cycle
Please Select
Cycle 1 (Fall)
Cycle 2 (Spring)
Club, House, or Organization Name
Requestor Name
First & Last Name
Requestor Email
Caltech email preferred
Requestor Campus Mail Code
Requestor Caltech Status
Please Select
Graduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Are you a currently enrolled student in good standing with the Institute?
MHF Proposal Title
MHF Proposal Description or objective
Provide information on who, what, where , when, and why.
Caltech Community Impact Statement
Answer the question; how this proposal will impact and benefit Caltech as a whole. If this proposal, serves a smaller community, please provide a statement on why the committee should fund this smaller venture.
Total dollar amount requesting from MHF
Proposal Budget. Provide a brief layout of your proposal budget.
You will submit a detailed budget at the end of this form. Please see budget template on MHF website.
Please list other funding sores (requested & secured). Check all that apply.
Academic Division (BBE, CCE, EAS, GPS, HSS, PMA)
Alumni Association
House Endowment Funds
Housner Fund
Retreat & Activity Fund
If 'OTHER', please provide additional information.
Total dollar amount REQUESTED from other sources
If this isn't applicable to you, please say zero.
Total dollar amount SECURED from other sources
If this isn't applicable to you, please say zero.
Budget Grand Total
Include: proposed MHF amount plus amounts requested, secured, etc.
Is this proposal for an event?
As of today's date, have you registered this event with OSE?
If yes, to either or both of the questions above. Please provide your proposed date or date range.
Please attach MHF Proposal Budget
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Choose a file
Make sure to use the budget template provided to you on the MHF Website.
File attach any additional supporting documents.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Examples of supporting documents: support letters, department/division approvals, vendor quotes/invoices, maps, blueprints, etc.
Please certify that if your proposal is funded you will adhere to the Caltech Honor Code and follow all Caltech & MHF policies and guidelines stated on the respective websites.
I agree
Should be Empty: