This is the ESYO Absence Request Form. All musicians are required to fill out and submit a request when missing a rehearsal or a concert - or when they need to arrive late or leave a rehearsal early. Absence requests via email to your conductor/orchestra manager are not acceptable forms of absence notices anymore!
All requests for missing a rehearsal must be done at least 2 weeks in advance, unless due to illness or last-minute emergency. For illness close to performances or repeated health-related absences, we require medical documentation.
All principals and section leaders also must speak to their conductor before signing out.
Please review the Attendance Policy in the handbook (you find the most important paragraphs below) if you have any further questions. Thank you.
It is your responsibility to pay attention to how many absences you have taken! You can check your attendance record with your ensemble manager.
Absence Policy for Symphony Orchestra: TWO excused absences are allowed per concert period. NO absences are allowed in the two weeks prior to the concert. NO absences are allowed from mandatory rehearsals, dress rehearsals, warm-ups or concerts. This includes college visits, proms, balls, sporting events, academic competition, dance studio or other social events.
Absence Policy for all other Ensembles: TWO excused absences are allowed per concert period. ONE excused absence is allowed during the three weeks prior to the concert. NO absences are allowed from mandatory rehearsals, dress rehearsals, warm- ups or concerts. This includes college visits, proms, balls, sporting events, academic competition, dance studio or other social events.
EXCEPTION TO THE ABSENCE POLICY - School Music Events. All mandatory credit bearing school music performances, such as concerts, special events, and in some cases playing in the pit orchestra, take precedence over ESYO commitments. ESYO musicians must speak with their conductor and clear any conflicts before auditioning for a school pit orchestra or spring musical, or before accepting an invitation to play in the pit.
Consequences: ESYO recognizes that critical school or family events may conflict with rehearsals and that illnesses occur. Compliance with ESYO’s school music participation policy may also cause students to miss rehearsals. Incurring one to two additional absences exceeding the allowed ones, arriving late or leaving early often, or one to two unexcused absences will result in a discussion with the conductor who will determine an appropriate consequence. Consequences may include a request to submit additional preparedness videos, a member not being allowed to perform in a concert, being reseated, or being dismissed from the ensemble. In certain circumstances, a fine may be levied to cover the cost of hiring a replacement musician. Incurring three or more additional absences exceeding the allowed ones, three or more unexcused absences, and absences from concerts will result in a student being placed on probation. A panel including the conductor, executive director, and another selected conductor will determine consequences and consider a student’s appeal if they choose to submit one.