Regnum Christi Retreats for Young Men and Women
Thursday Nov 14th: Begins at 6pm @ the Magdala House (501 Belmont Ave, Folsom, PA 19033). The retreat ends on Sunday 17th at 2:00pm (brunch included). Please bring your Bible, your rosary, your journal, and make sure you register for the mission, since it's part of the retreat but registration and payment needs to be done separately. Jesus is waiting for you!
Choose your event
Nov 14th - 17th // Spiritual Exercises Retreat
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Birth Date
Terms and conditions
Do you agree to the terms? By agreeing you certify that as a parent/guardian (if the above registrant is under 18) or adult registrant (if over 18) have read and agree to all the terms included in the here referenced RC Activities Inc. waivers and that by selecting below to agree to these terms is binding in a court of law. (If under 18 SCAN QR CODE ON THE LEFT). (if over 18 SCAN QR CODE ON THE RIGHT). I have read and understand the above permission form in its entirety, and also understand that it is a legal document and I agree and consent to all terms and conditions contained within.
*ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE (Please Type Your First and Last Name).
We hope there will be no emergencies, but just in case, what is the name of a Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact?
Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact cell phone number:
Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact email
Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?
Do you need a babysitter during the retreat?
If you have a discount code, please enter it here:
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