SEO Business Report Form
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Company Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Tell us more about your business?
Why should your customers buy from you than a competitor? (be specific about your unique value proposition)
What is your typical sales process? (e.g. customer calls, then fills form, then sets appointment, etc)
What are your company goals moving forward? (short term and long term)
What is the service or product you would like to sell more of?
What is the average "Lifetime" value of a customer?
Explain your ideal client/customer?
Who are your direct competitors?
What knowledge of SEO exists within your company?
A little
A lot
Have you hired an SEO company in the past?
If so, what was the investment level?
List as many keywords you can think of that you would like to target online. (Keywords are words typed into google to find your type of service/product, EX: “New York Dentist”
Please list the specific cities you would like to target (including suburbs). If your targeting national, just type in the United States.
How do you currently get customers? (e.g. SEO, PPC, social media, yellow pages, radio & media, referrals, word of mouth, etc.)
Do you offer any special promotion or discounts to new customers? If so, what are they?
What has been your "most effective" advertising method?
What has been your "least effective" advertising method?
How many additional customers would you like to acquire a month? (set a number)
What is your monthly budget range for acquiring new customers?
Do you have any questions or concerns you would like us to address?
Should be Empty: