Pet Sitting Contract
*Please note that this form is stored electronically in the Time to Pet Secure Software to ensure your confidentiality. My signature at the bottom of this contract indicates the information included in the contract is true to the best of my knowledge and will be used to provide optimum care for my pet(s).
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Secondary Phone Number (if applicable):
Please enter a valid phone number.
Can you accept text messages at these numbers?
Would you like to receive photos of your pet while traveling?
Do you give permission of your pet(s) to be posted on the pet sitting company's social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, or Company Website). All photos of your pet are taken to hide any identifying information of your home.
Preferred Contact Method when Traveling
Please Select
Phone Call
Type of Pet(s), Age, Breed, Medical concerns, allergies, and any information that may be helpful for us to know.
Emergency Contact Name, Location, & Phone Number
Secondary Emergency Contact Name, Location, & Phone Number
Veterinarian Name, Location, & Phone Number
In the case that your routine veterinarian's office is closed, what emergency veterinary hospital should your pet be evaluated at? Please list name & phone number (and location if there are multiple locations).
In case of emergency, with your pet(s) home, and you cannot be reached, who should we contact? Include name, address, & phone (If different from emergency contacts listed above)
In the case that emergency treatment is needed for my pet(s), I authorize a specific amount of up to $___________________ or an unlimited amount with the payment information below. All attempts will be made to reach the client and/or emergency contact prior to treatment.
Specific Amount (Please indicate amount in field below)
Name on Credit Card
Card Number
Expiration Date
Verification Code (usually located on the back of the card)
In the case of inclement weather or natural disaster prohibiting travel, is there a nearby neighbor whom we may call/contact to check on your pets? If so, please provide details below after confirming with them they are comfortable being listed as this contact.
In the case of emergency, I want my pet to be taken to this vet?______________. I authorize Cool Cats Pet Sitting Services LLC to obtain medical treatment for my pet. My signature below will be used to obtain medical treatment in the case of serious illness or emergency. It is my responsibility to update this information should it change. Whenever possible, all attempts will be made to contact the owner and/or emergency contact prior to obtaining treatment.
Type a question
Additional information or requests that you would like to share.
Payment is due at the start of the services provided unless prior arrangements have been made. Please mark below to indicate acknowledgement.
Client acknowledgement
Should be Empty: