FY 2024-25 Cascade Locks Economic Development Grant Program
The Port of Cascade Locks has established a grant program (“Program”) designed to support the Port’s economic development work within the Port district. The Port’s mission is: "Through partnerships, care for our community, and preservation of the Bridge of the Gods, to be an engine for economic growth, recreation, and tourism within the Columbia River Gorge." This new Program is based on the Port’s desire to strengthen community partners and foster collaborative efforts to achieve the goals and objectives of the Port’s 2024-2029 Strategic Business Plan.
The Program is not a vehicle for charitable giving by the Port, and project funding eligibility is determined by its alignment with, and tangible benefit to, the Port’s statutory goals and objectives. (Please see General Eligibility Criteria & Rules section below).
For the fiscal year 2024-25, the Port has established a Small Grants Program, for grant awards up to $10,000, and a Large Grants Program with a maximum award limit of $50,000. Each program has different eligibility criteria, project priorities, and reporting requirements as described below. In this first round of funding, the Port may award up to a total of $150,000 to projects with a completion deadline of December 31, 2025 or earlier.
The Port will accept applications from non-profit 501(c)3 organizations, businesses, and government entities located and operating within the Port district boundaries. To be eligible, a project must be in alignment with the Goals & Objectives of the Port’s FY 2024-2029 Strategic Business Plan and demonstrate measurable positive influence on the Port’s ability to achieve the goals and objectives of the Plan.
Grant funds may not be used for political activities, inherently religious activities, or athletic activities of individual schools and community sports teams. Direct overhead costs, regular operating expenses and salaries are ineligible for funding. To be eligible, an applicant must have a state and federal tax ID and be in good standing with the State of Oregon Corporate Division and have no bankruptcy or other financial obligation defaults or judgements that remain unresolved or that have occurred in the past five years.
The following types of projects are eligible to apply:
· Planning and program development, including studies and permitting costs.
· Marketing and special events production and promotion.
· Capital construction and improvement projects.
· Recreation and tourism infrastructure, amenities, and services improvements.
· Public safety, emergency response, hazard mitigation, and resilience planning.
Grant recipients will be required to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Port. Grant recipients will be required to maintain, and make available upon request, accurate and up to date budget and project progress reports throughout the duration of the Grant Agreement. All grant recipients will be required to submit a written progress report six months after the award date, and a written final report with a full accounting of project budget expenditures according to their Grant Agreement. Large Grant recipients must also present their final report to the Port Commission during an open public meeting.
To be eligible for funding from future grants, an grant recipient must have successfully completed their project and had their final report submitted on time and approved by the Port. Any awarded funds that remain unexpended by the end of the Grant Agreement project completion deadline must be returned to the Port within 30 days of the deadline date.
Each year that the Program is authorized, the Port Commission will establish priorities for the Program and encourage eligible applicants to seek funding in support of projects that can show tangible benefit or impacts on those priorities.
For 2024-25 fiscal year, those priorities are:
· Downtown Revitalization
· Enhanced Tourism and Recreation
· Public safety
Projects that are awarded funding in the 2024-25 fiscal year should be complete by December 31, 2025.
The Small Grants Program will make awards up to $10,000 to new and established entities that meet the General Eligibility requirements.
Applicants must submit a project budget and will be required to provide a minimum 20% match of the requested grant amount, which can be either a cash match or in-kind match of labor and/or materials.
Applicant entities will be required to provide a copy of their organizational documents, proof of insurance, and Oregon Certificate of Existence. All applicants must provide documentation that illustrates the applicant is fully operational and ready to proceed with a high likelihood of successful completion of their project within the grant period. Applicants may optionally provide a copy of their current business plan.
If awarded, 50% of the grant will be disbursed at the time of notification of award and execution of the Grant Agreement, and the remaining 50% will be awarded on a reimbursement basis. Any awarded funds that remain unexpended by the end of the Grant Agreement project completion deadline must be returned to the Port within 30 days of the deadline date.
The Large Grants Program will make awards from $10,000 to $50,000 to established entities that meet the General Eligibility requirements.
Applicants will submit a project budget and will be required to provide a minimum 20% cash match.
Applicant entities will be required to provide a copy of their organizational documents, proof of insurance, and Oregon Certificate of Existence. All applicants must provide documentation that illustrates the applicant is fully operational and ready to proceed with a high likelihood of successful completion of their project within the grant period. Applicants may optionally provide a copy of their current business plan.
If awarded, grant monies will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis, at a rate of 80% of approved project expenditures. Any awarded funds that remain unexpended by the end of the Grant Agreement project completion deadline must be returned to the Port within 30 days of the deadline date.
Applicants to the Large Grant Program will be required to provide at least three (3) letters in support of their project from Cascade Locks residents, businesses, non-profit organizations, or government entities.
If you have any questions about the Grant Program Rules and Eligibility Criteria, please contact Genevieve Scholl, Port of Cascade Locks Deputy Director at gscholl@portofcascadelocks.gov or (541) 374-2401.