In its 2024 update, the SRA noted how underreported disability and neurodivergence remain in the legal profession. This is often due to a lack of psychological safety. It is said that ‘you cannot be what you cannot see’. Therefore, UNDISCLOSED seeks to shine a light on the many successful ND individuals already within the legal profession, to reassure and inspire ND aspiring lawyers. Your one-off UNDISCLOSED submission is an opportunity to voice your experience, whilst advising and encouraging those at the gateway of the legal profession with similar goals and backgrounds to yourself. You are welcome to share as much or as little about yourself as you wish. Please note that any prohibited information (see our guidelines) will be redacted or rephrased. If you choose to disclose your name, we will email you to confirm this preference. Each UNDISCLOSED submission will be numbered. Therefore, even if you choose to stay anonymous now, you can always signpost the submission to your network at a later date.
To note
If a submission box HAS an asterisk, this box is NOT OPTIONAL. Please write N/A in any box which does not apply to you.
You can choose whether your submission is anonymous or not, please note, only your name and contact details you place in the last box of this section will be published.
Do you wish to keep your submission anonymous?
Please Select
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Are you open to being contacted by our readers?
Please Select
Are there any contact details you wish to share with readers?
For example, social media handles, your email - please do not give out your phone number
About you
Setting out your personal and career background will reenforce to aspiring lawyers and other readers that their own goals have been reached by people with similar experiences to them.
What is your neurodivergence and when were you diagnosed (can be just 'late-diagnosed')? If you have self-diagnosed or are awaiting diagnosis, please also put this down if you feel comfortable.
(e.g., autism, late diagnosed via NHS or ADHD, self diagnosed in 30s)
Job title/stage of career
(e.g., paralegal, senior associate, legal counsel, barrister, legal executive etc.)
What type of company/firm is your employer? (If self-employed, please write this)
(e.g., chambers, national firm, magic circle firm, tech company, pharmaceutical company, boutique, US firm etc.)
Are you also studying? If so, what is your status?
(e.g., SQE student, 2nd year law student, bar student, master student etc.)
Longform answers
Feel free to use bullet points or whatever style suits you. Please consult our guidelines for further information.
Have you disclosed your neurodivergence to anyone in your workplace and why/why not?
If you have not disclosed, how have you navigated being neurodivergent at work without formal adjustments?
What reasonable adjustments have you found most helpful? Would you benefit from any further adjustments?
What are the biggest issues you've faced in your career as a result of being neurodivergent or the treatment of said neurodivergence? (If any)
What do you enjoy about being neurodivergent in your career?
What advice would you give your younger self (before joining your career)?
Is there any other information you wish to share with our readers or in relation to your submission for the NDLP team?
Should be Empty: