Opportunity Knocks utilizes Quickbooks to directly send invoices from our system to you via email. Invoices may be paid with check, ACH (direct debit from your designated bank account) or credit card.
Checks may be dropped off in person or sent by mail to our office:
Opportunity Knocks
8020 Madison St.
River Forest, IL 60305
If you wish to pay through either ACH or credit card, please open the invoice in your email and select the "Pay It Now" option. From there, you may select either ACH or credit card. All payments will be processed through Quickbooks utilizing their payment gateway. As one of the largest payment processors in the country, Quickbooks utilizes security systems that are on par with major financial institutions and are PCI-compliant.
OK will email an electronic invoice to the contact email provided on the financial assessment form. Invoices will be sent out on the first of the month and payment will be due on the 15th of the month. Services will be billed according to the Warrior's registered days for that session. Changes to the individual Warrior schedule may only be made with consideration of staffing and space availability and upon request made directly to Program Coordinators.
Payments for each session will be due in full by the date listed on the session invoice. If payment is not received on the due date or by the last day of the session, the Warrior will not be able to register for the next session of OK programs. Please be sure to contact Mike Carmody immediately to communicate unexpected circumstances that may delay a received payment. All delinquent payments will be subject to the OK Debt Collection Policy and any established payment agreements that may be reached between Opportunity Knocks and the participant/family.
Terms of Service & Details
Lunch is included for program blocks that take place during the 9:00 AM- 2:30 PM timeframe Rate is equivalent to $17 per hour and accounts for roughly 20% of total program operating costs.
We are currently not recognized as a day program by Illinois’ DHS Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification, thus we can not bill directly for home-based or CILA-funded participants. We are in the process of pursuing our state license for Community Day Services.
All families are asked to fill out a financial information sheet as part of the intake process to participate in OK Programs. Opportunity Knocks uses a sliding scale to support families experiencing financial hardship. We do this to work toward our objective of keeping the program accessible and as inclusive as possible to provide services to as many as possible.
OK program activities and staffing are based on the expectations of full attendance of all enrolled Warriors. If a Warrior is absent without ample notice, the program team must still operate with full staffing. Due to the nature of this model, all families will be expected to make payment even if the participant is to be absent within the expected alerting timeframe. The exception to this rule will be made when families provide notice of absence within 10 business days of planned absences.
In an attempt to offset the occurrence of extended absences and to account for family vacations and breaks, the OK Programs calendar has built scheduled weeks off when the program will be closed. If there is an extended period of time that may lead to a lengthy absence (vacation, sick leave, etc) we are open to discussing alternative options. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this policy.
In instances where OK has made the decision to cancel programs due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, Opportunity Knocks will either prorate or add an additional day to the session. This will be communicated to all families in a timely manner.
By signing this agreement you have reviewed this document and have agreed to the terms and conditions listed above. Once payment is submitted, your invoice will be marked online as “PAID”.
THE AGREEMENT: “Having read the above guidelines, and understanding my responsibilities, I sign this agreement and attest to my understanding and commitment therein.”