Nominate a 'Young Voice'!
The YOUNG VOICES SELECTION program, started in 2018, aims to elevate and engage the voices of young designers through direct participation and representation in AIA Seattle's Honor Awards for Washington Architecture. Three young designers, endorsed by firm/industry leaders and selected by the Honor Awards Committee, will be given the opportunity to review, deliberate, and select ONE project from the Built submission category. This project, the "Young Voices Selection," will be recognized and announced by the Young Voices at the Live Event on November 4 at Town Hall Seattle.
WHO IS A 'YOUNG' VOICE? Individuals who are 30 years of age or younger. The YVS program aims to reinforce the value of young perspectives considering both CAREER experience and GENERATIONAL/LIVED experience. After leaving the creative hub and intellectual rigor of university, young people often find themselves without clear and direct avenues to participate in serious design discourse, though they are appreciated for their technical expertise. The Young Voices Selection program elevates young designers for their unique perspectives, and the YVS program establishes a sanctioned platform for these perspectives to be widely shared.