Personal Health Budgets (PHB) are offered to adults receiving support from East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) to help them work towards a mental health recovery goal.
If you like to discuss your PHB referral before submitting please contact the ELFT PHB lead Bonnie at or 07436027771. Please see relevant checklist information and guidance notes.
Any issues submitting your referral, please follow up via email at
To receive a PHB, the person must be*:
Please note: if you're referring someone for a PHB through primary care, please contact us on the details above.
To make a referral to the service:
Please complete the referral form with the person referred for a PHB [please note the referral form includes a "quality of life" (ReQol/10) or DIALOG+ questionnaire that will need to be completed by the person].
Please upload and submit a PHB support plan that has been completed with the person and offer them a copy.
Please discuss the referral with the approving manager so they are aware we will be in contact seeking authorisation.
If you are using direct payments for this PHB, the PHB holder will need to sign a DPA prior to the set up, we will be in touch to request this form to be completed to progress the application.
If you need help or have questions about any aspects of the Personal Health Budget process please contact us at
Is another professional involved with this PHB?
The starting point to any PHB request is the recovery goal.
In you answer below please offer the following;
Please be as personalised and detailed as possible to demonstrate the individuals goals and voice in regards to the PHB.
Please upload your plan (DIALOG+, PHB plan, ILP)
DIALOG+ monitoring
1 – Totally dissatisfied
2 – Very dissatisfied
3 – Fairly dissatisfied
4 – In the middle
5 – Fairly satisfied
6 – Very satisfied
7 – Totally satisfied
ReQoL/10 monitoring
Answer the questions in relation to last week.
1 – None of the time
2 – Only occasionally
3 – Sometimes
4 – Most of the time
5 – Most or all of the time
*Next step
If this budget is under £250 it does not require approval, please fill and sign this DPA agreement and send it back to for us to review the application and accept the referral.
If there are more than 3 items related to the PHB you are applying for, please use the item description section above to specify the additional items.
Requests over £250 need approval from a team lead/manager
Please provide the approving managers:
Requests over £750 will be send to e-panel for approval
If this budget is under £250 it does not require manager's approval, please fill and sign this DPA agreement and send it back to for us to review the application and accept the referral.
Feedback helps us to learn what is working well and what can be improved.