Dress Code for FCCLA Day at the Capitol:
FCCLA members are expected to display a professional image at all functions. Members should always be respectful to administrators, exhibitors, parents, advisers, and other members. Advisers will ensure that students look professional and do not wear inappropriate attire.
Participants are required to dress professionally for FCCLA Day at the Capitol. The preferred attire is a FCCLA Blazer.
This includes the following:
- For Males - a business suit with a collared dress shirt and necktie, a sport coat, dress pants, a collared shirt, and a necktie, or dress pants, a collared shirt and necktie, dress shoes, and socks.
- For Females - a business suit or business pantsuit, a skirt or dress slacks with a blouse or sweater, or a dress. All the above should be worn with dress shoes.
Tennis shoes, t-shirts, jeans, and athletic pants are inappropriate attire.
Additional Inappropriate Attire
The following should not be worn to any FCCLA activity:
- Clothing and accessories that are sexually suggestive, which advertise drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products, or display profanity.
- See-through, tight-fitting, spaghetti straps, strapless, extremely short or low-cut blouses/tops/dresses/skirts.
- Pants or skirts worn below the hip bone; no undergarments may be showing.
- Spandex, leggings, stirrup pants, leotards, short shorts, cutoffs or pajamas. If leggings are worn, shorts/skirt/dress must be an appropriate length over the leggings.
- Clothing that is stained, torn, or ripped.
- Bare feet
By signing below, as the chapter adviser, you are aware of the Dress Code Policy for the Day at the Capitol, and you will ensure that all students who are attending this event will be in professional dress upon entering the Georgia State Capitol.