What you need to know about applying for a stall.
We offer two types of stall - please note we no longer offer half-size stalls on the field.
FIELD Stalls are located on the open field at Manor Park. You are reserving a marked plot and you will need to provide everything you require:
- FULL size: 4m wide x 5m deep (13ft 2in x 16ft 4in)
- The "wide" 4m side is the one that will face the public and be the front of your stall.
Pricing is according to type of organisation and falls into three categories:
- Commercial Food Stalls and Fairground-type Amusement stalls. Stallholders providing food prepared at the Fair must upload the following with their application:
- A Food Hygiene Certificate issued by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (or similar), in the name of a person or persons present on the stall at all times
- A Food Premises registration letter (from your local authority)
- Date and result of your latest Food Hygiene Rating ("scores on the doors") with a rating of at least 3
Stallholders providing pre-packaged food:
- Food must be labelled to disclose the product name and a list of ingredients (in descending order of weight)
- Labelling must also include details of any ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction – such as egg, milk, sulphites, peanuts and tree nuts
- Business, Products or Services
- Charity, School or Youth Group Charity stallholders will need to provide their charity number. Those collecting on behalf of a charity, will be required to provide a "Letter of Permission" from their chosen charity.
MARQUEE Stalls are located in the large marquee erected on the day. We will provide a 1.8m wide x 0.75m deep (6ft x 2.5ftm) table and two chairs. In addition, you can order an electricity feed to your stall. Two tables can be booked at a reduced cost and these will be located adjacent to each other unless you request otherwise.
Charity stallholders will need to provide their charity number. Those collecting on behalf of a charity will be required to provide a "Letter of Permission" from their chosen charity.
More information, please email either Field Stalls or Marquee Stalls