1. Entry forms and fees must be postmarked 14 days prior to rodeo. Entry box will be provided at each rodeo for entries or mail to Cheryl Robinson, PO Box 119, Umbarger TX 79091 Ph 806-290-2848 2. A contestant will be allowed to enter as non-member with $15/rodeo fee. 3. Only JRCA members will accumulate points. Must provide birth certificate. 4. Late entries will be accepted with a $15 late fee per contestant/per day 8 days prior to rodeo. No entries after that. 5. Fill our form completely and correctly. Attach entry fee money only. 6. You may draw out for a full refund for any reason if you call by Monday (by noon) prior to the rodeo. After that, a refund (less stock and office charges) can be given only with medical or vet release. 7. Rodeo starts at 8am Sat & Sun. Western attire required: Long sleeve shirts, hat and boots. 8. All returned checks will be collected by CCI. 9. There will be a $30+tax charge on all returned checks.
All JRCA rodeos this season are eligible for WCRA Youth Alliance nomination
Nominations must be made on www.wcrarodeo.com
Link available on our website www.jrcarodeo.com