Self-Assessment for Lung Cancer
This form will take about a minute for completion
How old are you
Less than 50 years old
50 - 60 years old
60 - 70 years old
70 - 80 years old
Older than 80 years old
What is your smoking status?
Never smoked
Currently smoking
Have quit smoking
If you are currently smoking, how many packs do you smoke a day?
Half a pack
Three quarters of a pack
1 pack
1.5 packs
2 packs
3 packs
4 packs
How many years have you been smoking?
Based on the above response, this is the number of pack-years you are smoking.
How long have you quit smoking
Less than 15 years ago
More than 15 years ago
Prior to quitting, how many packs did you smoke a day?
Half a pack
Three quarters of a pack
1 pack
1.5 packs
2 packs
3 packs
4 packs and more
How many years did you smoke for?
Based on the above response, this is the number of pack years you have smoked.
Depending on your responses above, a number 20 and above indicates that you are at high-risk for lung cancer and should speak to a doctor for a more thorough assessment and recommendation.
Auto-calculated field
Depending on your responses above, a number 20 and above indicates that you are at high-risk for lung cancer and should speak to a doctor for a more thorough assessment and recommendation.
Auto-calculated field for former smokers
Should be Empty: