Monthly Analytics Report (MAR)
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
High School
Please Select
Bryan Station High School
Hartselle High School
Huntsville High School
Palmetto Scholars Academy
Sparkman High School
Team Number
Please Select
Bryan Station 1
Hartselle 1
Hartselle 2
Hartselle 3
Huntsville 1
Huntsville 2
Sparkman 1
Sparkman 2
Sparkman 3
Sparkman 4
Sparkman 5
Sparkman 6
Monthly Analytics Report (MAR) #:
Please Select
MAR #1 (September)
MAR #2 (October)
MAR #3 (November)
Platform #1: Instagram
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's Instagram username (Eg: @uah_inspiress) or a link to your profile.
Platform #2: TikTok
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's TikTok username (Eg: @uah_inspiress) or a link to your profile.
Platform #3: Facebook
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's Facebook page name or a link to your profile.
Platform #4: Twitter/X
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's Twitter username (eg: @uah_inspiress) or a link to your profile.
Platform #5: YouTube
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's Youtube username or a link to your profile.
Platform #6: Spotify
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's Spotify username or a link to your profile (Podcasts).
Platform #7: SoundCloud
Profile link or Username?
Please type in your team's soundcloud username or a link to your profile (Podcasts).
Platform #8: Website
Link to the website?
Please type in the link to your team's website.
Please include screenshots of all your profile analytics and anything else you want us to look at using this File Uploads section:
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Max = 1GB. Multiples allowed, 25 files per submission. Must click Submit Form.
Additional Note
Not Required. Anything else we should know about the files?
Should be Empty: