Monitoring & Evaluation is a key part of your project. It helps us to:
· Ensure that your project met the outcomes you indicated in your application.
· Enables us to feed back to the funder the outcomes from your project so that they are able to understand the impact their funding has had.
· Enables us, through producing End of Project reports, to transparently share the positive work and outcomes which have been delivered.
· Through all the above, enables us to demonstrate to potential future funders the impact that providing funding to the Space2Grow fund can make.
Grant recipients are required to monitor their projects against criteria provided and to submit monitoring reports. Reports will be required at the end of the project, and in some circumstances, at mid-point &/or a 3 monthly report may be required – this would be stipulated as part of the award of grant.
We will ask you to provide the following information:
· Information regarding the number of days of delivery, total number of sessions delivered, regularity and timing of sessions.
· Outlining the key achievements of projects , quotations from participants and your organisation.
· Explanations as to how you delivered against the identified needs within the Thrive framework and Themes.
· Indicating any pathways or continuation for project, Financial or Project variation and Learning from the opportunity.
· Provide a case study based on the project and explain how Young People have been involved in shaping the project.
· You will be asked to complete a Demographic Data sheet of attendees.
· You will be requested to complete an Outcomes and Experience Report for your completed project.
· Evidence of how the Charity’s grant was used including any relevant documentation, receipts, photographs of the project etc.
· Your Grants Manager or nominated person from Young Barnet Foundation, may also undertake a Monitoring Visit to see how your project is progressing. If your grant is related to a specific activity, please advise your Grants Manager of the session dates over the project year so that they can attend at an appropriate time.
You will be asked to submit the information online no later than the 15 days from the completion of the project.
Please note: reporting is not designed to be onerous, however, we need to evidence the impact of funding so that we can grow local funding to support the sector further along with accounting for Public Money.
Failure to provide the Monitoring & Evaluation in a timely manner will result in funds being withheld, and in extreme cases, to further applications from Space2Grow funding being withheld for consideration until this is rectified.