This signed agreement officially absolves the Jacksonville (FL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. of any and all liability from any accidents or injuries resulting from you or your child’s participation in any activity or event.
Furthermore, it is understood that any and all medical expenses incurred due to injuries sustained at any activity or event organized by the Jacksonville (FL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is the sole responsibility of the participant in the activity or event and if a minor, the parent or guardian. This is inclusive of pre-existing conditions, which may become aggravated due to you or your child’s participation in any activity or event.
It is also understood that no legal action will be brought against Jacksonville (FL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. or subsidiaries or authorized personnel by you or your child because of any matter directly or indirectly related to you and your child’s participation in any activity or event held by the Jacksonville (FL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
As a parent/guardian of the above-referenced applicant/participant, I request he attend EMBODI, and take part in all activities and events. I hereby give my consent to any field trip my son may take while attending EMBODI. In case of emergency the committee leader, sub-leader or their representative has my permission to give minor first aid or take my child to an emergency treatment facility.
I, parent/guardian further request the committee leader, sub-leader or their representative to call a physician for medical care for my child should an emergency arise. I understand that the program staff will make a conscientious effort to locate me via the telephone number(s) provided at registration as well as attempting to contact me before any action is taken but if it is not possible to locate me, I understand that I will accept all medical expenses.
By signing your name, you are stating that you have read and fully understand and are in agreement with this waiver.