1) Find your service line:
Typically, your service line will be in your basement or crawl space near the water meter:
2) Identify your service line material using the information below:
Plastic: The pipe is typically white or gray but can also be other colors. Although plastic does not contribute to lead in drinking water, lead may still be present in other parts of the plumbing system such as faucets and bonding material called solder.
Metal/Copper: To find out what kind of metal pipe you have, perform two simple tests:
Scratch test:
Use a coin or key to gently scratch the pipe close to where it comes in through the wall or floor. Check the color of the scratched area. If it is the same color as a penny (shiny copper) and may have a solid or splotchy film ranging from bright green to dark brown, you may have a copper pipe. You can also watch this video for instructions on how to perform a scratch test.
Magnet test:
Place a magnet on the pipe. If the magnet does not stick, and the metal is the color of a penny (shiny copper), this confirms the pipe is copper.
Galvanized Iron or Steel: If the pipe is silver or gray, hard to scratch with a key or coin you may have an iron or steel pipe. If you place a magnet on the pipe and it sticks to the pipe, you may have galvanized steel pipes.
Lead: If a scratch test produces a shiny silver color, your pipe is likely made of lead. If you try to attach the magnet to the pipe and it does not stick, you may have a lead pipe.
Not Sure: It’s difficult to determine the material of the water service line. If you are having trouble, please call 847-671-8252 or email ekubkowski@vofp.com to schedule an appointment for a utility representative to enter your home and perform the identification for you.