Review and Approval Process
- Complete Form
Fill out this online Charitable Donations or Contributions Request for Approval form.
- Attach Required Documentation
The following documents must be attached to this form for the request to be considered. Instructions for attaching documentation are on the next page.
- Invoice
- Department approval email
- Sponsorship levels with benefits
- Event announcements (if applicable)
- Form Submission and Processing
Once all sections of the online form are completed and the required documentation attached, click SUBMIT button to send the form directly to Edward Samayoa, Business Operations Manager for the Office of Communications. Edward will review your submission for completeness and route it through DocuSign for the necessary approvals.
Important: Step 4 occurs after DocuSign completion.
- Final Steps
Once your request has been reviewed and approved through DocuSign, you will receive a copy of the signed Charitable Donations or Contributions Supplemental Form. To process payment for the donation or contribution, create a requisition in BearBuy using the Payment Request Form and upload the signed form and supporting documentation.
Approval Levels
- Requests of $10,000 or Less
Require approval from Ellie Rossiter, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Community Relations & Strategic Partnerships.
- Requests Over $10,000
Require additional approval from the Office of the Chancellor. Allow extra time for this process.
For questions about the donation or contribution, please contact Edward Samayoa. For questions about the online form, please contact Val Llanos.