ONE is REQUIRED, the other two are optional - Upload your head shot / ear tag photos for sheep registration A below. If you cannot see AND read the entire scrapie ID number (Ex. KY1234-0001), then we cannot either and you will have to do a new submission of new photos and submit payment for them. The preview is the size it will be when printed by us.
The photo only needs to be of the head of the sheep and show the mouth, nose leather, both eyes, both ears, and the scrapie tag attached to the sheeps ear with the ID numbers readable.
There are head shot / ear tag examples on our website for you to look at.
Do not forget to include your payment for uploading images. Electronic Photo Submission, $0.50 per every 1 to 4 photos (On the work order and fee schedule page, enter 1 for 1 to 4 photos, enter 2 for 5 to 8 photos, enter 3 for 9 to 12 photos, etc.)
Please upload landscape photos only (width is longer than the height).