Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct
Please click here, or visit the Elmhurst website to read the Elmhurst Energy Systems Ltd Standard Terms and Conditions.
Payment of invoices by direct debit is free, non direct debit payments are subject to a surcharge of 3% (minimum of £3.00). We are now able to accept paperless direct debits. If you would like to sign up to direct debit please email accounts@elmhurstenergy.co.uk stating your account number. We will then send you a link which you will need to complete with your bank details. You will then receive a confirmation email letting you know you have successfully set up your direct debit.
Applicant Declaration:
By signing this document I declare that all the information provided is accurate and truthful. If successful, I promise to abide by the Elmhurst Energy Code of Conduct and will ensure any Terms, Conditions and Standards that are currently defined and may be specified in future, are followed.
If successful in my application I also agree to visit the Elmhurst Energy website on a regular basis (at least monthly) to ensure that I remain aware of any changes to the Terms, Standards or Codes that apply to the Elmhurst Energy Systems Accreditation Scheme. www.elmhurstenergy.co.uk.
As an accredited Energy Assessor, I declare that I will ensure that all QA requests for audit are satisfied.
I confirm I have valid Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance in place and will maintain this throughout my ESOS accreditation.
Bill Payer’s Authorisation:
I confirm that I have discussed this application with the bill payer who has agreed to pay all charges and lodgment fees for work I do on their behalf. If this comes into dispute then I agree to pay the account myself.