LGBTIQA+ Youth Group sign-up form
headspace Mount Gambier is committed to providing a safe and supportive space for young people part of the LGBTIQA+ community. By being a member of this group, and to help us to cultivate a welcoming and respectful space for everyone that attends, there are some guidelines we all need to agree to follow. By completing this form today, I agree to the following guidelines:
Please tick all that apply:
I agree to be respectful of all other members of the group and of theheadspace staff, and to keep what is discussed during the group confidential.
I agree to follow all instructions that headspace staff give me, andunderstand that if I cannot follow these instructions I may be asked to leave
I consent to providing an emergency contact, whom headspace staff members can contact in the event of an emergency or being asked to leave early
I understand that if I feel overwhelmed or need help then headspace is here to assist me. I know that I can speak to one of the organisers of thegroup in a confidential space, and/or that they can help me to book anappointment to speak with a headspace worker at another time
I consent for my name to be added to the database used by Uniting Communities in order for headspace Mount Gambier to keep a record of thisgroup. I have been told of the privacy and confidentiality guidelines, and I understand that I can withdraw consent at any time
I consent to receiving text messages before the group on the number I have provided, in order to be able to RSVP prior to the group, and I understand I can ask to have the messages stop at any time
I am under 16 and have a legal guardian that can provide verbal or written consent to attend this group
I am aged 16 or over and can provide consent for myself
Young person details
Given name
Last name
Preferred name (if different to given name)
Preferred pronoun(s)
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Emergency contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Relationship to young person
Is the young person a current client at headspace?
If yes, please share workers name
Should be Empty: